Crop Circle Season 2009 is now underway, and we have our first few 'entrants'...

Reported 14th April, the first formation of 2009 has occurred once again in Wiltshire (Southern England), not far from the Ancient Standing Stones of Avebury. Its appearance has a certain resonance to it, as if it is vibrating from within the Oil Seed Rape! This is certainly a very early example of a formation in this colourful crop, however, because of the immaturity of the crop, its outline will slowly disappear within the growing plants. Located next to an ancient burial mound, once again we see the continued connection to important ancient sites. A befitting start to what I'm sure is going to be a fascinating season.

How exciting - the first one of the year! My impression is of a vibration or frequency radiating out in dual directions from a central point, quite like Cymatics at work. An interesting start to the season.


The second formation came down on April the 19th at West Kennett Longbarrow, near Avebury, Wiltshire:

Incorporating the (8) 'Infinity Symbol', a Spider Web-like design, and a stylised Goddess energy (complete with reflection)...this one also comes across as a 'cosmic map' of sorts. Enigmatic.


The third formation appeared on the 23rd of April near Avebury, Wiltshire. Many 'croppies' are theorising that it could be a statement on the upcoming Solar Storm of 2012...

This latest striking design, situated on Rutlands Farm just outside the Stone Circle of Avebury village has an uncanny connection to some rather alarming news which has come to light about our own Sun. According to calculations a huge Solar Storm could hit the planet earth in only three years time. That's right, 2012! Perhaps this is the message given in this new formation. Solar Storms are swarms of electrically charged subatomic particles from the Sun, which buffet the Earth causing problems for orbiting satellites, which have delicate electronics. On the ground we witness them as the Northern and Southern Lights. However a few times throughout history the Sun ejects enormous swarms, which can cause serious damage to our electrical power structure causing catastrophic harm to our modern-day global structures. Perhaps we need to not only keep an eye on the ground, but also to the heavens...?


Reported on the 24th April at Morgan's Hill, near Devizes, Wiltshire...could this Crop Circle be a stylised version of the stunning Sun Formation from the day before?


Appearing on April 25th (at Liddington Castle Fort, near Chiseldon, Wiltshire) was this rather lacklustre formation (measuring just under 100ft) which appears to me to be quite obviously man-made. Judge for yourself:

As you can see from the aerial view, this design is a rather 'modest' formation, and can in no way compare to the other complex and impressive designs that have appeared so far this year. It's kind of comforting to know that the fake ones stand-out (and glaringly so!) compared to the 'genuine' ones...


Reported on April 29th at Roundway Hill, near Devizes, Wiltshire...This formation was discovered in rape seed above the Roundway Hill white horse near Devizes. Dimensions - about 200ft.

Hmmm, does anyone else think this one looks a bit like a 'rotating starship'?


Will keep everyone updated on all latest formations throughout the year.

For all the latest Crop Formations, go to:

For more on the 'theory' of Crop Formations, go to:

Another Point of You : OM...

*This post will be updated & revised throughout the 2009 Crop Circle Season.

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 2, 2009 at 2:44am

Halo ONE'in'All - Let me tell you a little secret : When I was really young, I once wrote a short story about how every night when I was sitting at my desk doing my homework (it was one of those big desks with a map of the world on it)...I'd leave something (a pencil sharpener, a protractor, a shaped eraser, a pair of scissors, etc.,) on my desk overnight. The next day after dinner, I'd sit with my family watching the news, and see that formations had been appearing all over the world in the shape of simple school-like writing implements! To my utter shock & excitement, I realised it had been ME responsible for all these enigmatic formations appearing world-wide! Now you all know WHY I'm so fascinated by Crop Circles...!!!
I still feel like that little boy who left something on his world-map desk overnight!!!

Another Point of You : OM...

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on April 24, 2009 at 11:21pm

Interestingly, in regards to the 'Solar Storm' Crop Circle which appeared on April the just so happens that we're currently heading for a solar flare maximum (they occur in 11 year cycles). The last Solar Maximum happened in 2001. The Earth's and the Sun's magnetic fields will be in sync at the peak of Solar Cycle 24, which is due to happen in 2012 (the end of the Mayan Long Count Cycle/Calendar). All this activity is expected to cause an influx of solar particles, thus impacting on the human bioelectrical system. What all this actually means, will be revealed in around three & a half years' time.

One recent study investigated the Sun's activity over the previous 100 years. It reported that since 1901 the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become stronger by 230 per cent. Also, some of the sunspot activity in the last solar maximum (2001) was greater than anything ever recorded before. According to NASA, the Sun is beginning another 11-year cycle of activity. Sunspot Cycle 24, expected to peak in 2012, could be one of the strongest in centuries. It will be 30-50 per cent stronger than the last one. While the sunspots themselves don't affect Earth, the solar flares and other disturbances emanating from our Sun during increased sunspot activity result in an increased number of particles (electrons & protons) and harmful light radiation (ultraviolet rays & X-rays), known as solar wind.

Evidence indicates that wars and international conflicts most often break out when sunspots are rapidly forming or rapidly decreasing, as these are times when there are more intense geomagnetic storms. Some researchers claim that these geomagnetic storms affect physiological mechanisms such as brain waves and hormone levels, causing a number of different reactions, predominantly in males (some may become increasingly irritable & aggressive, while others may instead become more creative). Women generally seem less affected by the Sun's behaviour. One possible outcome is that the collective may suffer from a kind of mass psychosis during this upcoming influx of solar particles. Calculations indicate that we're due to see another rise in intense solar activity late next year, around September 22nd 2010, with the peak being in 2012.

I'm intuiting that we shouldn't be taking all this literally, but metaphorically. Yes, the Sun may be exuding more energy & 'light', but if nothing physically obvious occurs, I'm guessing that we'll be definately feeling it on a cellular level - impacting our consciousness, and thus raising our collective awareness (?). That's my guess anyway...

The changes we are now seeing with our Sun, the solar system's planets and the Earth's magnetic field may be the very things that transform our world as we know it into something new. And with the Sun's alignment with the Galactic Center on December 21st 2012, who knows what this extra added energy boost might do...?

Linear time will tell I guess.

Another (sunny) Point of You : OM...

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on April 21, 2009 at 7:47pm
Aahh - Crop Life's enduring passion.

In the early 1990s, two old men (in their 60s) - Doug & Dave, came forward and proclaimed to the world that they had done all the formations of the 80s. In all the territories of Southern England. Every night. Sometimes two or three a night. Under the veil of darkness. Without their wives ever finding out. Perfect designs every time. Even in the rain. With no one ever catching them... Hmmm.

There's a theory that they were paid by the government to spread a form of 'disinformation', so that the public would back off. Curiouser & curiouser.

Needless to say, one of those men has now since died. On average there are about 100-150 formations every year in England alone. They're getting more intricate, more prolific, more creative and more stunning. And more interactive with human thought it seems (when I settled on the name OM two years ago - an OM Formation appeared on the other side of the planet around the same time!).

They appear all over the world (Australia was actually one of the first countries in the world to get a 'circle' - way back in the 1966 - though it was called a 'Saucer Nest' at the time). They appear in all types of crop. They inspire, uplift, baffle, energise, bewilder & educate (one formation even featured a previously unknown mathematical theorem!). And I'm fanatical about them. 'Something' about them has me under a spell of some sort. And I've dedicated a large portion of my life to documenting & reporting them, to studying & understanding them. Don't know why exactly, but I'm hooked.

Yes, some are done by hand (or more precisely, by foot) - but CAN tell which ones! Here's an example... Can You tell the man-made version from the 'genuine' one?

As for them being one big graphic design hoax, I went over to England (again) in the summer of 2003 (been twice now), just to visit them. And I tell you, they're real. They certainly do exist. I walked through almost a dozen of them. My camera broke in the first one I entered. They do make you dizzy & lightheaded. They're definate 'energy' centers. They do give you tingles up the spine. Even flocks of birds will separate to fly over a formation. Whilst I was there, I met so many wonderful different people from various countries around the world. They bring people together. Awe-inspiring & simply breathtaking, enigmatic &'s a phenomenon that just gets more perplexing & ONEderful each year.

For more on Crop Formations, go to:

Another (swirled) Point of You : OM...

ps(st) - All artwork featured in this post was created by Janosh (except the 'Sarah Marry Me' Crop Heart). Janosh is a talented Dutch artist who creates contemporary, geometric art and gets inspired by ancient civilizations, philosophy and geometric proportions (namely Crop Circles) as these appear all over the world. The entire universe is shaped according to set, geometric proportions; from the alignment of the stars and the leaves on trees to architectural structures and the human body. Because our cells are geometrically structured too, focussing on geometric shapes has a profound effect. And, as Greek philosopher Plato stated: “Geometry will draw the soul towards the truth.” With his art, Janosh wants to inspire people to discover their power and follow their passion in order to turn dreams into actions and actively determine the course of their life. On his website you will find information about Janosh, his work, the gallery, the Experience and what inspires him.

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