Crop Circles (or Crop Formations) : What are they? How are they made? Why are they made? And Who is making them? These are the questions I have been asking myself since the dawn of this century. And these are the answers I have arrived at (in a 'round-a-bout' type of way...)

Imagine a thin board with iron fillings on it, or even the surface of a bowl of water. Resonate the board with a particular frequency or sound, and watch the iron fillings form into a geometric design. The shape of the design is either harmonious or erratic, depending on the nature of the vibration (see also : Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with water crystals).

In many cases, the designs incorporate various universally recognised symbols such as The Fibonacci Swirl, The Golden Mean Ratio, Hindu Chakra symbols, Fractals, etc (quite like those designs found in many Crop Circle formations).

I believe that the surface of our planet is like that thin board or water surface, and that WE are the ones providing the frequency. The 'vibration' of the collective (all of humanity) is responsible for 'imprinting' our fields with (a portion of) these amazingly intricate and in many cases - poignant symbols. WE are the music. Crop Formations are the written notes.

It's almost like the consciousness of humanity gives off a kind of 'hum' - which in turn creates something quite tangible (a physical Crop Circle). In essence, it's our collective intent, hopes, fears, thoughts, and desires (inner processes) which then go on to manifest physical symbols, sacred geometry, and archetypal designs in flattened fields of crop (outer manifestations).

In a nutshell - we are learning that Intent creates Reality.

Crop Circle designs are like a mirror we are holding up to ourselves - road signs we've created collectively in order to ascertain our own level of growth and evolution.

Now, whether our space brethren is assisting us in this process - so what? I view our space brethren as an alternate 'us' anyway - so no matter how you look at it - It's always US who's creating them. If 'they' are (helping us) - then cool! Why not?!?

I also believe a portion of Crop Circles are 'hand-made' by humans. Again, So what? That scenario is still a valid form of SELF-expression, and more power to them I say!

Heck, they could even be done by Ascended Masters; Nature Spirits; covert military operations; Angels; Very inventive mini-tornados; Spaceships; Inner Earth inhabitants; Mating hedgehogs; Ghosts; etc...! - 2D/3D imprints left behind by Higher-Dimensional objects/concepts passing through our physical world...(?)


And that's why this phenomenon is sooo fascinating! Because it's STILL a's still 'magickal'. And you'll always be drawn to what's in your own Heart.

So if you've got a little mystery & magick in your own Being - you'll be inevitably drawn to the 'unknown', the para or super-normal, the extraordinary, the a-maze-ing...the ONEderful.

But remember this: Crop Circles are like a Rorschach Test ~ You'll see in them...only yOUR own reflection, and what is truly inside of You.
Only YOU can assign them a meaning that is relevant, special and profound for You.
As I have...

1) It may appear that Crop Circles only appear during the English summer but this is largely due to the media's fault (and because Southern England is so easily accessible).
Crop Circles appear all over the globe...all throughout the year - from Australia to Canada, New Zealand to Norway, Germany to The United States, Japan to the Middle East, etc, etc, etc.
Another reason why it seems so concentrated in Southern England is well, because humanity has now 'concentrated' on this part of the world - holding it up as some type of Crop Circle 'hotspot'. To where our focus is, is where the results will largely be (hmmm - just like 'Life' I suppose).

So, during England's winter, it is then countries like Australia, Africa and Southern America which play host to Crop Formations. And in the case of Australia, our land is so expansive that formations may appear en masse, but really, who's there to see them?
And why in Summer? Well that's when crops are at their most ripe & ready - during the harvest months is when the formations seem their most prolific.

2) As for Crop Circles appearing on other surfaces, yes they HAVE appeared elsewhere rather than crop fields. They have appeared in African sand, on Alaskan ice-sheets, and in Icelandic snow. Formations have even appeared in forests! (actually bending whole sections of trees to create a design!).
Who says that they don't appear on ocean surfaces as well (and I'm supposing those ones would be a little difficult to see...)
Why though the majority in crops? Let's talk 'vibrational frequency' of assorted mediums. The vibration of say, plants is higher than that of say, rocks, or even beach sand. So, plants - being organic 'living' beings, would be more responsive and resonant with our collective Soul than a field of pebbles would be. I'm not saying rocks are not alive - but in terms of dimensional-time/space-frequency, they're not as close to humans as say, a photosynthetic plant is.
We are in a closer living-exchange-program with the plant kingdom. Without them - nothing would convert our carbon dioxide back into oxygen for us to live. Hence, they are in a 'tighter' agreement with us... I would tend to think if anything on this planet was going to reflect back to us our state of evolution - why wouldn't it be our plant kingdom...or namely - imprinted in the crops (our bread of life)?

And lastly, as I've stated above, if spaceships and UFO's are assisting us - then great! Why off Earth not!? I don't see them as 'aliens' as such, but merely as future (or past/parallel) versions of us! So in effect, one way or another, it's still our collective Soul causing them, and communicating back to us via an ingenious type of cosmic 'Sign Language'.
It's our unconscious, subconscious or superconscious self using sign language to speak with our conscious self. It's our Awake Self communicating with the sleeping part. It's the Soul whispering to the Ego. It's the Lucid Prince kissing the Sleeping Beauty...

"E pluribus unum" (Out of many...The ONE)

As for whether the Crop Circle phenomenon has been happening since before modern-day times, there have been first & second-hand reports of people saying that their grandparents as well as their great-grandparents used to play in various designs in the family fields over the past century.
A Hertfordshire newspaper (woodcut) clipping from 1678 (England) shows a distinct circular imprint being made into a field of crops. Due to the superstitious mindset at the time however, these field designs were inevitably accredited to the work of the devil! (and were thus called, 'Devil Circles') - and the article even shows a demon within the design, hacking away at the crops with a knife... Very cute.

I believe that now - especially with the advent of air-travel, we have become capable of looking back down at the planet from the sky, and see, maybe for the first time in our history - the veritable canvas that is our ever-evolving planet.

And on this 'canvas', we then see our own reflection (albeit, in a more symbolic way - through sacred geometry and such). As our technology increases and 'complexifies', as we reach higher and higher into the heavens (through faster jets, higher planes etc), we get to pause, reflect and 'look back' at where we came from, where we've been, who we are, and possibly where we're headed.

'As Above...So Below'.

They (Crop Formations) may indeed have been occurring since the dawn of time (as some type of 'release' system) but because we are at a point in our evolution where we can actually view them from above, itself, a highly profound, metaphoric & symbolic statement on where we're at.
Instead of wandering around 'inside' the labyrinths and mazes of these designs (which we would've had to do before the invention of air travel) - and which I liken to walking around within the realm of the 2nd or 3rd Dimensions (a kind of 'flat-land'...), we now get to 'transcend' this linear way of perceiving our world and see it from a bird's eye (or God's 'I') point of view!

We have transcended the Sacred Mandala that for centuries we were bound to walk around in. We are now seeing the WHOLE picture - the entire beautiful design... We can now reflect on the simple and intricate grandeur of the 'maze of life' from ABOVE.

The YOUniverse is a mirror...Reflect on that. Yes, sacred geometry is found abSOULutely everywhere : From the Nautilus Shell, to a Sunflower, to a Spiral Galaxy; But now we're at a point in our evolution where sacred geometry has begun popping up in our very own cropfields, themselves, the home of our 'staffs of life' - where much of our food-source comes from. It's no accident that we're beginning to notice them a lot more now.

The more we begin to notice these 'field-mandalas', the more we begin to notice the fine intricacies, sharp curves and spirals inherent within our own souls...the sacred geometry found in our own hearts.

'As Within...So Without'.

Re-Member The ONE : I AM


Further Reading:

A Hologram Inside A Hologram Inside...

The majority of those points where Crop Formations appear are indeed energy meridian points. Think of the planet as a human body. Where the body has its meridian system, so Gaia has its leylines, for the same purpose - to act as microcosmic highways of energy (known as chi in acupuncture). This 'energy' consists of photons carrying information around the body/planet.

The chakra system also connects with this network and when the flow of energy (information) is blocked or suppressed it manifests as illness or dis-ease. Acupuncture needles are used to keep the energy flowing and balanced - and thus the body healthy.

Crop Formations (indentations in the fields) are quite like acupuncture needles, in that they are used to regulate and direct energy.

Why do these formations appear mostly in England? Apart from my explanation in the above post - Think of England as like the 'ear' of the world. Within the holographic body every part contains the whole. So an ear, eye, foot, hand etc., all contain information about the whole body. Acupuncturists are very aware of this science. In a hologram, every small part contains the whole.

If a part of Iraq requires healing, why can't a Crop Formation in the fields of Southern England help facilitate that? WeAreAllOne. And of course - connected.

If the liver in the body requires healing, why can't a strategically placed needle in the ear, or the massaging of a particular point on the foot help facilitate that?

Hologram inside a hologram inside a hologram...

DNA contains all information regarding a cell or organ, which is a holographic representation of the body, which is a microcosmic hologram of the planet, itself a holographic part of the infinitum.

Every one of us is the YOUniverse.

It's economical really. If we can heal the planet by using several hundreds of fields lying upon a meeting point of major energy lines (like an ear is to the body) - then why on earth not?!

We do it with our bodies...why not with our Greater Body - Planet Earth?


To view a selection of stunning Crop Formations, simply google 'Crop Circle pictures'.

And in my opinion, the following is the best Crop Circles site on the net:


(some of the cropcircleconnector links from previous years may not work as you have to be a member to access the archives, BUT, for anyone interested - Here's a very comprehensive site for all past and present Crop Formations):

As well as these:


How Resonance Creates Form...

Sacred Geometry...Sound coalesced into tangible form...Vibration manifested as Symbol...Cymatics - the study of geometric figures formed by wave interactions...The Web of Maya...The Unseen creating the Seen...etc...

A great little demonstration of the above can be seen here:


Question : Is Sound creating Crop Circles?


Another Point of You (& Fellow 'Croppie') :


*ps(st) - It was only a matter of time before an OM Crop Circle appeared! This one appeared on the 7th of the 7th, 2007...

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Comment by IamAnotherYou on April 15, 2009 at 8:54am


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