Halo ONE'in'All, many of you who know me well, know me as a pretty, violetly-Happy-Go-Lucky Wizard Of Oz...
Time & time again, I'm asked why I AM so happy all the time, and 'how' I AM so happy all the time.
Well, it's time now to share with you all - my secret...

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling/emotion such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of philosophical, religious, psychological and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources. The truth however really is quite simple - Happiness is...a Choice.

Never discount the healing power of a good belly laugh.

Laughter really is the best medicine - It can dispel any tension, negativity or dis-ease.

It can eradicate nerves.

It can make lighthearted, any sorrow.

A good joke can unite Prince & pauper.

The ability to laugh at one's self can diminish the ego.

A good laugh can warm a cold heart.
It can flow the blood and clear the mind, rejuvenate the body and re-ignite the soul.

To cause another to smile is your greatest superpower, and is the most special thing in the world.

In this or any other world.

Regardless of your looks, everyone is beautiful when they smile.

It's not your five senses, nor even your sixth sense that is the most is your Sense Of Humour.

In the Now...a solved riddle awaits.

Happiness is simply, a personal Choice.

He who has seen through The Illusion, laughs for all Eternity.

Usually accompanying enLightenment is the realisation that All of it is ONE, huge, cosmic joke...
...being told by a smirking Goddess, a trickster God, a giggling YOUniverse.

The holiest of all the spots on Earth is where a hatred has become a Love.

You'll find Happiness in the exact same place you'll find sadness - In your Mind.

Life is a tragedy for those asleep, and a comedy for those awake.

If you cannot laugh at it...It's not healed.

Every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.

Sorrow shared is halved - Joy shared is doubled.

The most flattering thing you could possibly wear a Smile.

It is not the eyes that are the windows to the soul - It's the Smile that surrounds them.

Everyone smiles in the same language.

Today, smile at a stranger - It may be the only sunshine they see all day.

Don't cry because it's over...Smile because it happened.

Happiness is a butterfly - When pursued, it's always just beyond your grasp, but if you will only sit down quietly...
It may just light upon you.

It takes 40 facial muscles to frown and only 17 to smile...So, why exert yourself?!


Another (happy) Point of You : OM...

Views: 131


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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on April 23, 2009 at 2:50am

Halo ONE'in'All. What sparked this new post is that sometime last week I was reading an interview with the actress Drew Barrymore in a magazine, and in it she said something like, "Every morning I wake up with the intention of making as many people happy throughout the day as I can." I thought - What a great intention to start the day with!
I thought this was so beautifully selfless and a perfect example of 'As Without, So Within.' Yes, Happiness is contagious. The world truly does reflect what's in your own Heart (it's no coincidence that 'Earth' is an anagram of 'Heart'!).
If you can be a positive Light onto the world, then your own path is illuminated, your own days brighter.
I know I'd rather live my own days with everyone around me smiling, so I too make it my mission to spread joy into everyone's lives - It just makes the day so much more enjoyable. One of my favourite parting lines to people is, "May the Day enjoy You!"

*Netfino - Firstly, a pleasure & honour to meet you! Thank You for your lovely comment. Me - Serious? I might write about some pretty heavy stuff but trust me...I AM All Light. If I come across a little 'darkish' at times, it's only because I'm throwing my big cosmic spotlight onto my shadows in order to transmute them into a higher vibration (ie: into Light). IamAnotherYou will tell you - I can be pretty frivolous a lot of the time. And seeing as this site is all about YOU-phoria, I thought it was about time I spread some cheer & joy, happiness, laughter & smiles about the place! And whenever I do anything, I like to go to the extreme! BTW - My 'face' that I use, and I'm assuming you're talking about my Profile pic?...was a Crop Formation (Crop Circle) that came down several years ago. It was the first 3D Face we ever received. And I soooo resonate with it. That's why I chose it as my face - because I love Crop Circles, space, astronomy, ETs, etc. I see it as a 'cosmic face' of sorts, a kind of 'galactic citizen' (which is what I see myself as...). I also like how it appears to be a hybrid of both human & alien, male & female. Its expression seems a little neutral but I see it as a face that has 'transcended' the duality of extreme emotion (ie: the highs & lows of Life). I see it more as being 'at peace', and at One with All, the end result of Everything (all polarities) YOUnified. It's neither here nor there. It's just Now. Calm. Serene. And Accepting.
I totally understand your comment though ~ Just thought I'd offer another point of You...
Blessed Be.

*IamAnotherYou - Thank You just for being... I like how your flowers pic & the smiles pic are really quite similar. Both feature beautiful miracles in full blossom! Another gorgeous mirror-image... BTW - I just knew you'd like the coffee cup one!


May the Day enjoy the both of You!

Another Point of You : OM...
(A Smiling Buddha from waaaay back)

Comment by IamAnotherYou on April 22, 2009 at 7:59am

Comment by Netfino on April 22, 2009 at 2:50am
Master OM!

Thank you for the latest blog post!!!
I thought you were very, very, very ... serious guy!
It is valuable stuff, positively affecting people.
Look at me! You have just made my mouth are BIIIIIIIIG "U"! My face is smiling!
But your face is rather sad ...
Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on April 22, 2009 at 12:33am

Halo ONE'in'All.

I wrote this post out last night (including every quote on laughter, smiling & happiness I could remember), then fished around the internet all morning for the right pics. Took me ages, but I feel it was worth it. And then some.

Had so much fun putting it all together. Hope it puts a smile on all yOUR faces...

Blessed Be everyONE,
The Smiling Buddha.
Another Point of You : OM...

"It's not your five senses, nor even your sixth sense that is the most is your Sense Of Humour."
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.

"He who has seen through the illusion, laughs for all eternity."
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.

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