"URI The Fool"

In a small village in the middle of now-here, a young fool named Uri had been given the task of maintaining the town statue of The Holy Omnipresent One. It was Uri's job to keep the daily food offerings from the townsfolk neat and tidy at the foot of the statue. Uri also had to clean the sacred site twice a day.

One morning, Uri outraged the temple officials when he fed The Holy One's food to a hungry cat. Asked why he committed this atrocious act, Uri replied, "Is not The Holy Omnipresent One alive and present in ALL things? When I see a hungry cat, I see only a hungry aspect of The Holy One. And when I satisfy the belly of a hungry cat, I see only that I have satisfied The Holy One."

One afternoon, Uri disgusted the temple high priests by washing a beggar with holy water reserved only for cleaning the The Holy One's statue. Asked why he wasted the holy water on a lowly vagrant, Uri replied, "Is not the beggar The Holy Omnipresent One simply dressed in beggar's clothing? By definition, does omnipresence not mean, present everywhere and in everyone? Is your revered One any less than that? Is not your Holy One that ONEderful and powerful and mighty and magnificent?"

One evening, Uri angered the townsfolk by defending a stranger who had insulted them by daring to not worship at the foot of their most precious Holy One. Asked how he could still be kind to such a misguided fellow, Uri replied, "Put down your stones. Is it truly not The One...Being...many? If you sincerely love The Holy Omnipresent One, how can you truly love The One within All if your love's selective or conditional or exclusive? Rather than react with anger...Act with love, for if you cannot be forgiving, kind and compassionate to cannot be these things to The One."

One night, a severe storm tore through the village blowing over The Holy One's statue and smashing it into hundreds of pieces. The townsfolk were devastated, spending all of the next day wailing and mourning. Only Uri seemed unaffected. Asked why he was not upset, Uri replied, "The Holy Omnipresent One may appear broken and shattered but turn to each other, look into a mirror, and there you'll see The Holy One looking back at you. In one another, you'll find The One never left your side. If you seek to revere, worship, honour and love The Holy One, then revere, worship, honour and love one another. Nurture, be kind to, protect, respect and embrace your fellow kind, and in these acts, you'll be re-membering The Whole-y ONE...Being...many. By seeing The One in All, you'll no longer see pieces...but PEACE IS. In unconditionally loving everyone, by being All-inclusive and having compassion & understanding for All, you'll be putting The One back together again. And you'll come to realize that The One only appeared broken and fragmented only when you forgot your own ONEness with the YOUniverse and All of Life...

"I may be Uri, the simple village fool but this much I know - I AM another point of all ways and for always.



*"It's in that which you react most strongly to which has the most value for you, so be grateful for the gifts that irk you." ~ Uri The Laughing Fool.

Uri on 'opposites' : "The opposite is needed because the opposite is attractive. The opposite becomes the magnet to pull you; the opposite brings you out of yourself; the opposite breaks your prison and possesses the ability to heal you, to make you whole; the opposite makes you vast, makes you infinite, makes you truly omnipresent. Whenever the opposite is denied there will be conflict. And that is what we have been doing in one form or another, hence so much conflict in our little village. At the end of the jOURney, you will find the YOUnion of all opposites."

Like the empty, 'worthless' zero, The Fool's magick can turn one into one million (1 to 1 000 000 000), and if need be, a million back into One. That's how powerful 0 is! That's how clever a 'fool' can be!

Within Zero lies all possibility...The YOUniverse is pregnant with Potential. It's "GOD's" baited breath before the utterance. It's the idea behind the deed; the pause before the cause. It's the 'As Within', manifesting as the 'So Without'. It's the Eye of the Hurricane; the Quiet before the Storm; the Cosmic Wow amidst the dross...

From 0 - All else is born.


I liken the above parable to a childrens' story. It was born from my deep immersion into Tarot studies. I bought this excellent book recently ("Following Your Path" - Alexandra Collins Dickerman : 1992) which combines Jungian Transpersonal Psychology with ancient cyphers, mythology & symbolism (especially Tarot symbols) - right up my proverbial alley as you can imagine!. You actually travel 22 steps through a pictorial journey of profound wisdom - writing in the book, your thoughts and ideas regarding particular archetypal images. I'm loving every second of it!

In regards to Uri : Essentially it's about me connecting with my inner Joker. I've come to realize that The Fool has a lot to teach about having a LIGHThearted attitude, about laughter and about getting out of your own way...(ie - by bypassing the ego and just letting one's Love/Light, Innocence & Trust in the YOUniverse to shine forth...) Meeting my inner Divine Fool has been quite invaluable, educational, transformative and quite the humbling experience.

I AM...The Fool...jOURneying through Life, steadily yet gradually making my way through all of the Major & Minor Arcana cards/symbols...learning, accessing & attaining what I can from each Archetype, each symbolic energy, each 'gateway'.

From Simple Fool, I transform my Self into 'Transposed Fool', the Enlightened Fool, the Divine Fool. From Ground 0 to The Hero (with a Thousand Faces). From In The Beginning to 22. From Neophyte (NEO's Plight) to Master. From Alpha to Omega and back to start all over again in a higher orbit, a higher frequency, a higher octave.

Fitting then, that the card (directly above) is called 'The Illuminated Fool' (from Carol Herzer's magnificent and spiritually insightful hand painted 'ILLUMINATED TAROT'). It shows waves of energy emanating from the Universe in radiant waves, absorbed in the pure essence of The Fool. The flowers on his tunic truly shine with supernatural essence, super-string-spring. The sun is almost eclipsed, in a sense symbolic of the Fool's illumination. When Buddha became enlightened, he came to understand nothingness and illusion, and here the Fool seems to express this higher sense of Buddha-enlightenment. Now, the Fool is the glow which illuminates the YOUniverse, just as the Buddha became the illuminating center of everything and nothing.

From Ground 0 to The Hero With A Thousand Faces.

Another (Great-FOOL) Point of You,
You Are I :

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