Imagine that you are a drop of water in a great massive ocean of love and consciousness. You may only be a single drop of water, but you are also the great, entire ocean itself. You are connected to the billions of other drops of water around you and together, You are one huge, cosmic force of abSOULute Love & Wisdom. Now, to bring even more wisdom and awareness to this great ocean, you offer to leave this ocean - to experience Life, so that one day you shall return, bringing back with you, your own individual awareness, so that it shall add to the Absolute Divinity of yOUR Mother Ocean...yOUR Home...yOUR Greater, ONE Self.

One beautiful sunny day, you rise up high above the vast expanse of calm water and you find yourself in a magnificent cloud, surrounded by old friends who have decided to take this incredible journey with you. You laugh. You play. And you plan your trip with them, knowing you'll bump into each other somewhere 'down there'.

Suddenly there's a blinding flash of light, a thunderous clap, and you find yourself hurtling down towards the Earth - falling, falling, falling on your own - but you're not afraid. You expected this, You were excited about this. You planned all of this.

You're falling to the Earth and you're enjoying the view. You see gigantic mountains, winding rivers, beautiful forests and luscious valleys. Golden sunlight meets you and along with millions of your sisters and brothers, you dance in a sky of deLight and sing your joy at being alive. From the ground, your radiant display of happiness forms a brilliant spectrum of magnificent colour. You bring wonder to the eyes of a small child as she looks up and sees a magical ribbon in the sky - her very first rainbow - and all because you're simply celebrating your existence.

You finally hit the ground, just missing an ant. You seep into the warm earth, mixing with soil, minerals, stones, crystals, worms and vegetation. You experience things and situations so amazing and remarkable that you are simply in awe of the Universe and what she can create. You wait in the ground but have no idea how many moments pass. Time means nothing to you. A second, or a century - You cannot tell the difference, and it does not matter to you anyway. You are just glad to be alive and part of it all.

Then you feel yourself being drawn towards the roots of a mighty, century-old, oak tree. You can hardly contain your excitement as you realize you are about to be involved in the sustaining of an actual physical living being. You penetrate the roots, slowly making your way up the trunk, gradually through a branch and finally...into a leaf - This journey fills you with much insight into the ONEdroUS workings of Life . You witness a thousand sunsets, hear the songs of a thousand birds and share a thousand enlightening conversations with the many leaves around you. Life is the miracle that it is purely because of You.

Then, early one morning before dawn, you crawl outside of your temporary home - your leaf - and sit upon her as a dew drop. As you wait for the sun to rise, you contemplate your journey so far and know that you are blessed, protected, and loved dearly by All-That-Is.

You realise and awaken to the fact that you are Divine, that you have grown in wisdom and understanding, and that you play an integral part in the whole, grand scheme of things. You become aware of the fact that you ARE an ocean unto your Self - not just a little drop of water on its own. You rejoice in this revelation. And you are at peace in this moment...and for all eternity.

Then, a morning breeze suddenly rustles the leaf you sit on. You gently fall. You land in a little creek and join a swimming kaleidoscope of microscopic miracles. You busily dart around a hundred coloured stones. On and on you travel. You enter a stream. The current is getting faster and stronger. Everything is a blur. Was that an old friend whizzing by just then? A fish, an old log, a tad-pole, all zoom past you. It's the Life of your ride!

Now, you're in a powerful river heading somewhere. You don't exactly know where, it's been so long, but you know it's home. Billions and billions of water drops just like you are heading there also. A thousand rivers pour into a great ocean that is filled with all of your sisters and brothers. You cry in happiness and laugh with joy. The journey is almost over. You've done your best. The ocean will be proud to have you back, and will grow in wisdom, love and light the moment you arrive home. THIS IS YOUR DESTINY, and yes, You ARE that important!

Before I bring you back (into your human expression) - I will leave you with this one thought:

"An Ocean refuses no raindrop,
As the YOUniverse refuses no Soul."

Now, in your own time...Awaken.


Another (flowing) PEACE of You ~ OM ~

*I came across a paragraph or two of 'The Raindrop Meditation' in a book I had read some time ago (so I don't know the name of the book or author...). I've merely added on & tweaked it here & there.
In-Joy : I AM

"As the smallest drop of water detached from the ocean contains all the qualities of the ocean, so man, detached in consciousness from the Infinite, contains within him its likeness; and as the drop of water must, by the law of its nature, ultimately find its way back to the ocean and lose itself in its silent depths, so must man, by the unfailing law of his nature, at last return to his source, and lose himself in the great ocean of the Infinite."

~ James Allen (1864 - 1912)
Source: 'The Way Of Peace'

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 23, 2009 at 2:50am
Halo ONE'in'All.

I was at a seminar the other night where funnily enough, this very topic came up. Someone wondered if we'd 'lose' our 'dropness' once we merged back with the ocean. All I could say was that we don't get 'lost'...we become EXPANDED. We don't lose our 'self'...we regain our SELF. We may appear to lose our 'finiteness'...but we're actually becoming INFINITY (& aren't we merely Infinity only having a finite experience - here on Earth?). It was a curious synchronicity, and one I was glad to be a part of.

"Within the drop, the Ocean is. Within the ocean, the Drop becomes."

Namaste & Blessed Be,
Another (multicoloured) Point of You : OM...

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