"Bloom where you are planted." (Chinese Proverb)

I've taken a lot of 'questionable' jobs knowing full well that they may be dull or tedious, or even dangerous or soul-sucking. Partly for the money (which I thought I 'needed' at the time), but mostly (and I think my Higher Self played more of a part in this than my 'ego-self' did), for the experience.

Within all the 'darkest' places I've ever worked, my Lucid Self (Aware Self) knew what I perhaps didn't know at the time - that I was there simply to shine my Light. And to experience Humility (the breaking down of my adolescent, know-it-all ego/persona). The reason was two-fold : To meet and speak with people I might not have chosen to consciously mingle with, and share with them ideas and information of a more philosophical or spiritual nature (ie: I-opening or mind-expanding). And to do all this without judgement, self-doubt, and self-righteousness. In other words - to just be myself...wherever I was.

I've lent 'spiritual' books to toilet cleaners, listened to the dreams of waitresses in hamburger joints, and suggested meditation retreats to prostitutes!

Whether or not they would have manifested their help-sign in their lives without me is irrelevant - that they did through what matters. And I learnt an awful lot in the process too. To find myself on my hands and knees alone cleaning up rubbish on a cinema floor at the stroke of midnight on my 19th birthday...well, you can just imagine how humbling that would have been. Really, I just had to laugh (in other words - to LIGHTen up!). It (and many other much more horrid experiences than that!) have made me a more understanding, caring & compassionate human (one of the lessons I came into this incarnation for?). On the other side of the coin, driving home in tears one night a decade ago after an excruciatingly awful gig where I was abused, insulted and terrorised...has also invariably strengthened my character. That one event also provided me with many other revelations about myself that I would have otherwise may not have come to had I not gone through that particular experience (namely, rising above 'victim consciousness', understanding unconditional love & forgiveness, etc...)

In the end, it's not what you've done in your life that's how you did it; and what you've learnt; and how much Love did you give and become; and how much did you smile & give others reason to smile; and how much did you shine?

Whether it's flipping pancakes or being a featured writer for New Age Magazine...I've learnt that every circumstance & situation is an opportunity to BE Love.

And the infinite wealth in your own heart eventually translates into a reflected YOUniverse where the received wealth in your reality directly corresponds to that which you yourself give out, whether that be via your time, your wisdom, or your priceless love...

It's all relative and illusory anyway. The head CEO of a multi-national corporation may be spritually starved and deeply depressed & suicidal, whilst a windscreen washer at the traffic lights down the street may be the happiest & most content person in the whole world. Then again, maybe not. It's all about perception...

Whatever I've done, I've ultimately done for a reason. I've done things which I now know have 'evolved' me, and I've passed up on things because, well, I just wasn't 'supposed' to do them (as is evident from the fact that I didn't do them). Nothing happens by accident...My 'Higher Self' (for want of a better term...) drives the car (my body)...whilst my ego is that opinionated back-seat driver...who 'thinks' he's driving.

Whichever one you identify with more is up to you (as they are all You...yet not really). All I can leave you with is this - The YOUniverse 'out there' is a reflection of You within. If you want 'out there' to look a certain way...then simply choose to BE a certain way within. "As Within, So Without".

The Magic Mirror of form, space & matter is merely awaiting yOUR instructions, for the 'program' cannot run without its programmer...

"The first & last step to to just LIGHTen Up."

Another Point of You : I AM.

ps(st) - Love the YOUniverse in all-ways, and the YOUniverse will always invariably find ways of loving YOU back...for both are ONE and the same...

ps(sst) - "Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action to all eternity" ~ Johann Kaspar Lavater, Swiss theologian (1741 - 1801)

ps(ssst) - In regards to 'energy centers' - jobs, cities & their vibrations...All areas/territories have their places of Light (as well as Dark). You have all been called to where you are BE that Lighthouse, that beacon in the darkness, that guiding, Shining Star.

You are always called/attracted to the place you're most needed. And you will stay there until your 'mission' is complete. Then you will simply move onto the next phase of your Light Journey ~ So you can continue shining your glowing Radiance out onto the world...where it's most needed.

BE Peace, express Peace & be at Peace knowing You are exactly where You are supposed to be at present, for it is YOUr Presence that is your Gift to the World Right Now. BE the Peace you wish to see in yOUR YOUniverse.

A ONEderful mantra I always say to myself is: "Peace, hOMe & Happiness is wherever I AM."

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Comment by IamAnotherYou on April 8, 2009 at 11:48am



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