A Magick Picture's Worth A Thousand Worlds

Several years ago, I was standing under a tree in our city's botanical gardens, looking up at the intertwining branches...when I 'received' this information:

Everything we see in this third-dimensional reality is just like looking at those pictures (known as Autostereograms or Magic Eye Pictures) of seemingly random-coloured dots, which when you shift your focus on them, a third-dimensional image then jumps out at you. I believe them to be a rehearsal for the 'etheric vision' we'll need to be employing in order to view other vibrational frequencies in the future/Now. These 3rd-dimensional pictures began popping up in the 1980s (I saw my first one in Hawaii in fact) - their arrival, an invitation to prepare us for our upcoming inter-dimensional shifts.

And in effect, Life, or our 'reality' is made up of the same processes that go together in creating the design of these"Magic 'I' Pictures". Go back to when you were a baby, when you were first trying to make sense of your surroundings. At this stage, you were attempting to put the world around you into a comprehensible focus. Everything seemed to be two-dimensional ~ like a 'magic picture' at first glance (before it comes to life). So you threw things in the air, and delighted at the fact that these thrown objects flew 'into' the picture - 'into' the world. You were amazed that some things were up close and other things were far away. Your virgin senses and baby brain was ecstatic and overawed. You screamed and cried in shock and joy, only to have a parent kindly offer you a bottle or dummy. You were here! Finally! Again! In the third/fourth dimensional world of form & matter, time & solidified illusion! A Gift? A Life-sentence? Both ~ You realised!

This experimenting with thrown objects and crawling up to things basically cemented and placed into effect your third-dimensional viewing capabilities. And from that point onwards, everything around you has seemed real - like one huge, holographic world of ONEder & possibility & infinite potential.

The purpose of these relatively new 'magic pictures' is to teach us how to see other vibrations/dimensions within this one, to acquaint us with 'shift vision' - the ability to view simultaneous realities at the unfocussing of an eye/I.

We're like babies learning how to see again, preparing ourselves for the next phase of our journey, our evolution.

While I stood underneath the tree that day with the branches forming a kind of antler-like canopy/montage above me and the Autumn-coloured leaves patching my view in front of me, I realised that we were all living INSIDE one huge magick picture! I was amazed that some things were up close and other things were far away, but only because it 'looked' that way. Everything is relative according to one's perspective. In that instant, I understood how tricky the illusion of space really was in this realm. We're taught to believe, or just come to believe over time, how restricting and limiting space is, that because we're surrounded and immersed in length, width & depth, then it all must be 'real'. It's all a massive optical illusion (a sensory 'dream') that we've come to believe and thus, experience. It was another moment of crystal-clear clarity for me ~ a multi-vibrational frequency ride into Aha Awareness.

Another (heartfelt) Point of You : OM...

ps(st) ~ One more for the road (Beware : This one's quite FINtasitc!):

*For more on Autostereograms, see:

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