"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
~ Carl Gustav Jung
This post does not contain any answers for I don't have any 'answers' as such...(I think once you arrive at an 'answer' per se - Life grounds itself to a halt, and that state of evolving, everchanging flux is thus lost...).

The paradox of Life in this realm is that it consists of infinite questions...with no real answers (save for those one assigns personal meaning to).
At the moment, I'm immersing myself in Jungian (analytical/transpersonal) psychology, and I'm finding it to be rather enlightening.

Ego; Spirit; Persona; Projections; Archetypes; The Collective Unconscious; Anima/Animus (Yin/Yang in Taoism); The Shadow/'Shining' (or Luminous) Self; Individuation; Introvert/Extravert; Dreams; Synchronicity...Jung covered it all (he even coined several of these words after breaking away from his own self-professed father-figure 'projection' - Freud).
I've come to see what aspects of myself (shadow sides) I may project onto others (same applies for the parts of my Self I also adore). Those I may still find myself judging, are those parts of my Self still buried (repressed, denied, ignored, etc) in my unconscious, and in order to see them, I thus project them out onto others (so I can consciously see what aspects need to be healed & unconditionally loved within my Self). It's at this point that my 'outer' will then mirror my 'inner' state of being (Whole)... Funny little beings we are.

Jung goes on to explain that the persona (Latin for 'mask'), or Ego, is that tool we use in this realm in order to interact with 'others' - and therein lies the rub. The mere act of perceiving 'Others' itself perpetuates the belief in separation (or that we're all separate from ONE another) - 'what's mine is mine, what's yours is yours'. The Ego is thus a product of the very realm it has itself created. Like a road laid down because the vehicle requires it.
But the 'driver' of that vehicle is Spirit. And the great cosmic trick is that Spirit is infinite, boundless, omnipresent and eternal - 'driving' all vehicles simultaneously...
We are not our 'vehicles'...The ONE (Being many) is merely 'driving' them (all).

"Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
~ C. G. Jung
When I 'fall in love' - am I simply projecting onto another (another 'face' of OURS), that which I've forgotten in myself, and am now recognising?
In fact, some years ago, I did 'fall in love' with someone much younger than myself, but I see now it was a futile exercise because all I was doing was projecting outside of myself, my own forgotten sense of innocence & wonder, unbridled ambition, and the archetypal symbol of 'eternal youth'.

This person represented all of that to me, and 'through' them, I yearned to encompass what they symbolised. I didn't see them as already Whole unto themselves. I just used them as a mirror...in the process forgetting who they were intrinsically underneath that 'mask' I had imposed on them. As a result...I had forgotten my Self (in more ways than one...).
When I 'real-eyes-ed' what I had been doing, I fell 'out of love', and just BECAME Love (at the same time healing that which I had 'thrown out' of my Self)
Now I just appreciate and love without condition this person, and their own unique individuation process (the act of Re-Membering, or YOUnifying, all of one's seemingly fragmented parts in order to regain Wholeness).
"The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness."
~ C. G. Jung
This varied realm exists to show The ONE its own many varied aspects - Spirit meeting itself by hiding Its Self behind billions of masks. The Earth as one huge masquerade ball? This is one party I AM sure...we'll never forget. If we could only Re-Member our Self first that is!

Archetypes : The Wise One; The Trickster/Fool; The Goddess; The Hero; The Divine Child; The Chaotic One (or s/he who seeks to upset the peace of the Whole in harmony)...etc., these are all to be found within the collective unconscious, and in order to own them, we individually & collectively, sometimes need to manifest them out (into the world of form & matter) in order to see what had been previously buried deep within our own psyche or unconsciousness. On a personal level (in the case of shadow-projecting), this can create people or situations that can antagonise us; on a collective level, this process can lead to wars...

The planet's current 'balancing act' between its Yin & Yang aspects (ie: East & West) is being played out at this time, unfortunately with the 'middle' (East) harbouring much of this erratic energy. When nations cease projecting their 'shadow' onto other nations, and when the two sides (the 'hemispheres' of Gaia) are in harmony, balance and working in ONEness, this volatile area will finally know Peace ("When all pieces are put together....One Peace shall be attained"). Same thing appies to our individual selves...

UFOs are one of the many newer Archetypes (Carl Gustav Jung's 'Flying Saucers' is an excellent book on this subject) - symbolising to humanity (via a hovering-like, sky mandala) our own emmerging cosmic citizenship, our burgeoning advanced technology and our extraordinary capabilities and potential. 'They' are like a face (of ourselves) still waiting in the darkness of deep space (akin to our own dark sub/unconsciousness).

Whether they are 'real' or not is largely irrelevant. That we have created this modern mythology is what's telling.
As is the case with everything in Life. The Ego takes it all literally (thus tricking & trapping itself into a dream). Spirit knows it's all Maya (a creation of its own imagination or Mind). As such, Spirit is always Awake (or lucid) within its own Self-created Dream. But where it has over-identified Itself with its masks...it has fallen back asleep.
The current world is Symbolism in motion (form & matter). Behind every symbol and mask however...
Well, deep down inside (& bubbling up into the Light of consciousness)...we all know the many questions...but do we all know we ARE the everchanging & always-evolving 'Answer'? Paradoxically so.
"Who looks outside dreams...Who looks inside wakes"
~ C. G. Jung
"The surest way to awaken within a Dream...is to realise that All of it...is ONE."
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut
Sweet Lucid Dream ONE'in'All.
yOUR reflection, yOUR extension, yOUR para//el incarnation...
Another Point of Jung : I AM.

ps(st) : All of the above is neither fact nor fiction, it is simply thinking 'allowed' in progress. They are not 'my' thoughts as such, nor do they belong to Jung exclusively. I AM merely thinking 'through' one of my many infinite selves (or 'masks')...
*More on : Flying Saucers...

'Flying Saucers' by Carl G. Jung. For a book that was written in the middle of last century, it was definately way ahead of its time.
One night I was reading it before I went to sleep, and my god, what fantastically cosmic dreams I had!
In one of them, huge rotating coin-like starships (mandala symbols of Wholeness) came down from the skies 'evaluating' various people. I was lying on a mountain at night (an ascending aspect within my unconscious?) with some girl (my anima/Yin projection?). One of the massively grand & ornate ships came down, close enough for me to touch, and in the next moment, the girl & I woke up inside it.
Hundreds and hundreds of people were in there. Such light, and such vivid colours. Some people were walking around on high 'hover-shoes', and the girl mentioned to me that she'd love to get herself a pair of them. But I said to her that I was sure they were indicative of some type of social or spiritual level attained (and that we had to earn them, not buy them). I also told her that we must keep our eyes & ears opened, to take everything in, so that we could familiarise ourselves with the customs & protocols of life within the starship.
I woke up at 3:33am totally in awe, inspired, rejuvenated and alive...and all that day & ever since, it has really left me with a sense of the numinous.
I love it when one realm 'feeds' another...
Now, Dis-Information?/UFOs an illusion?
A scientific explanation of UFOs has emerged from an inquiry by British defence intelligence.
Experts concluded after a four-year study that most sightings could be explained by an atmospheric phenomenon. Scientists of the UK defence intelligence staff described how glowing 'plasmas' of gas were created by charges of electricity.
Air flows sculpted the plasmas into aerodynamic shapes that appeared to fly at extraordinary speeds.
The report was released under Freedom of Information.
- Hmmm, 'most sightings'? Well what about those other sightings then?
- Personally I'm with Jung when he states that they are merely projected Archetypal symbols of the unconscious, either individually or collectively. Whether they are 'real' or not is irrelevant...the fact remains that WE still create/manifest them into our experienced reality. Not at all agreeing with the above news article, I'm still however saying that they are an illusion...
Just like everything else in This Dream called Life.
Oh please don't misunderstand me anyone. I'm not saying that they (aliens, space-brethren, star-beings, star-ships, u-foes, life elsewhere, etc) don't exist. On the contrary, I believe they do (and the undeniable proof that there is in fact intelligent life out there in the cosmos is that they haven't made official mass contact with us crazy humans down here as yet!)
I'm saying they exist...as a chair would. It exists yes, but it's also simultaneously a 'symbol'. Is a tree just a tree...or is it much more than that? Does it also 'represent' something about our Self? Does it also reflect something about our inner state? Could every thing 'out there' perhaps be a mirror, a reflection, a projected symbol from our own eternal, infinite unconscious (individually & collectively)?
Could it be that - 'As Within, So Without'? 'As Above, So Below'?

As an ocean could symbolise our emotions...could a rotating, circular sphere in the sky perhaps be a projected symbol of our mandala-like sense of Wholeness, our burgeoning technological advancements, our own imminent cosmic citizenship & YOUniversal consciousness?
Yes, they are 'real' - well, as real as anything appearing within a dream would be. But they are also tools...to be used to understand the Self I AM. They act to bring forth from the Implicate Order (the hidden unconscious) that which is seen, openly comprehended and conscious...so that we can work with them for the sake of what Jung called, 'The Path of Individuation'.
So again, I certainly don't agree with the above news article (and anyone who knows me well can tell you how much I'm fascinated with Star-beings, Walk-ins, Starseeds, UFOs, astronomy & astrology, Crop Circles, channelled material, etc) - BUT at the same time (and who doesn't love a good paradox?), I also know that THIS is also a grand dream I AM having - and that all within it, merely a manifested 'symbol' of some type.
A cigar is never just a cigar. It is. But it isn't. Same goes for anything and everything else. God, I AM everywhere - not just on this curious little planet on the outskirts of the Orion Arm of this Milky Way Galaxy. OMNIpresent, OMNIscient, Eternal & Infinite : I AM...The ONE Being many.
But also...
Lucid Dreaming : I AM.
It's all 'real'. But it also isn't. When you dream at night...does not everything appear real to you? Until that is...you wake up within the dream and 'real-eyes' that everything & everyone are aspects of YOU? The Grand Dreamer?
That's what I mean. And that's what I hope came across in my post directly above. In case it didn't...hence my desire to eLUCIDate.
By the way - the reason why I used the term "Dis-Information" above was to call to attention, the government & media's way of providing official, 'scientific' explanations (disinformation) in a bid to rationalise the irrational & unexplainable...
And I'm as disappointed in them for doing this as the next cosmos-loving person.
"To the asleep, seeing is believing...Whilst to the Awake, believing is seeing."
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.
*More on : Dreams...

The way I interpret dreams is to acknowledge every person in my dream as an unconscious aspect of myself. So whoever appears in your dream, ask yourself what they represent/symbolise/reflect for you, and also, how you feel about them (do you admire/judge/respect/are frightened of...them etc). Also take note of what they're doing in the dream, and how you're perceiving it...
Perhaps they represent a 'shadow' aspect of you - a part of yourself that you repress, fail to own, or need to heal, etc.
Maybe they symbolise a part of you that you seek to own for yourself (someone you adore, love, appreciate, etc)
They are merely 'projections' of your unconscious or subconscious, and the reason we project them outside of ourselves is so that we can see (consciously) what we need to work on (and thus heal).
"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses."
~ C. G. Jung
They could be your projected anima (Yin aspect) or your projected animus (Yang aspect). They could be 'shadow selves' or 'luminous selves'. Animals too, contain great symbolism along these lines. They could be parts of You you are merely seeking to understand, communicate with, and YOUnify within your Self.
For example, I had a dream recently of a 'joker' girl who kept playing tricks on people, and I was very annoyed with her because she kept on upsetting everyone around her with all her practical jokes. She was my projected 'Trickster', my Fool Tarot Card, my Court Jester. I can see now, elements of her in me, and how I too, may annoy people with my crazy, zany, wacky side. I never thought I was as bad as her, but judging her will do me no good. Accepting her however is a 'whole' other thing. And quite transcendental and illuminating too...

"If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool."
~ C. G. Jung
And the girl I work with (who is my Earth-projected Trickster) has calmed down somewhat since I made this realisation. I no longer shun her, or am aggravated by her. I just accept her as a projection (or reflection) of my own Trickster side, and in the process, have learnt to love that part of me (& her) unconditionally. Now that I own it, and accept it, I no longer have to manifest a 'symbol' of it outside of myself, in order to see what I cannot or do not accept about myself... It's all for the sake of Self Awareness.
As in dreams, so too in Life...for Life is really just ONE...big...grand...Dream.
Sweet Lucid Dream.
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves."
~ C. G. Jung
ps(st) - Only YOU can really interpret & decipher your own dreams for only You know deep in your heart, your own symbolisms and what each person, animal, situation etc., represents for You...
*More on : National ID Cards & The Aquarian Age...

In response to National ID Cards:
As Within...So Without.
The various characters 'out there' are merely projected symbols of unconscious aspects needing to be healed and owned within.
Take anything literally...and The Illusion has sucked you in. Love has no 'face'...Love Is...behind every 'face'.
'Nothing is as it seems...just as it seems'
Once people cease feeling like a circuit in a computer/machine, 'out there' will cease reflecting this rampant inner state of un-being...
'No-one can take away yOUR power, without yOUR consent'
Re-Member yOUR Whole Self...with no fragmented 'numbered' aspects needing monitoring, but with all YOUnique parts working in Harmony, in Trust, in Co-operation, in Freedom, and in YOUnison. Start with your 'self' first, then The SELF will indeed, and in-thought...follow.
For as without...so within.
Another interesting thing about this current time is that we are at present, moving out of the Piscean Age and into The Aquarian Age.
In astrological symbolism, entrapment & in a sense, all forms of slavery & bondage (as well as dogma & persecution), are associated with Pisces whilst the principles of freedom, revolution, free thought & self-power are associated with Aquarius.
From the emotional realm of Water, we are ascending into the mental dimension of Air. From the Age of the Fish, Jesus walking on water, and the addiction to intoxicants (like alcohol, drugs & fossil fuels)...we are moving into the Age of the Internet (technological advancement), Space Travel, and the rights of individuals to decide their own fates...
It seems this National ID Card is the last bastion for a revolution (or evolution). We've created it ourselves to prove to ourselves what we're willing & ready to transcend. In order to no longer be bound by chains and numbers, we firstly have to create those binding ties. To know Freedom, we must firstly know what it's like to be imprisoned. From numbered (& 'tagged') bodies...Here's to Free Spirit/Infinite Skies/& Crystal Clear Minds.

A mass migration starts with one individual outstretching their wings.
BE the hundredth monkey. BE the hundredth Angel. Be the first Phoenix Bird to rise from the ashes of a bygone era.
And Fly...

"Only those asleep take The Dream literally..."
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut
*And Finally...
I believe that an individual's take on any given thing is more of a reflection of that person's state of consciousness rather than the thing they're perceiving.
The YOUniverse is a mirror of YOU...

So as much as I respect & admire Freud and Jung's analytical approaches in their work...I also understand that their unique outlooks more often than not, represented themselves rather than their patients. Valuable as they were to modern psychology (we can't deny the fact they were both incredibly learned men), I firmly believe they were treating themselves more than anything (it was a bonus though that they got to help countless others...and still do - through the act of providing choices & suggestions)
Freud pretty much wittled everything down to repressed sexual impulses and complexes whilst shunning the numinous or mystical, whereas Jung embraced the Whole by recognising ALL parts of a person's psyche (or Soul if you will).
On one level I kinda agree with Freud's perspective (for is not the 'base', a metaphor for the Divine? : As Above So Below...and all that). From a God's I View though, I also thoroughly resonate with Jung's words.
I guess what I'm trying to say is - I'm on the side I AM always on : Every ONE's
All inclusive, Far reaching, Infinite, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnisexual, Omnipotent & Omnipresent : I AM
Omnitheus Oneironaut.
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."
~ C. G. Jung

Another Point of You : OM...
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