Crop Circle Season 2009 is now fully underway. Here are the formations (so far) for May:

Reported 3rd May at East Kennett Longbarrow, near Avebury, Wiltshire:


Reported on May the 4th at Clatford, near Manton, Wiltshire...this impressive formation harks back to the enigmatic formations (or pictograms) of the early 1990s:


Reported on May the 6th at All Cannings Bridge, near Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire...was this simple yet beautiful flower-mandala design:


Reported 9th May at Peaks Down, near Swindon, Wiltshire...this formation appeared right next to a busy highway:

Could this design somehow be indicating the 12 phases of an orbiting body around a central star or planet?


Reported 10th May at Roundway Hill, near Devizes, Wiltshire...this formation appeared in an adjacent field to the April 29th Crop Circle beside the Roundway Hill White Horse (which you can see in the top of the second picture):

A Mayan-inspired glyph? Or perhaps another stylised 'Sun' design...?


After a two-week break, the Crop Circles have indeed come back stronger, bigger & more dynamic. It's almost like they were building up their preparation to really WOW us. And they have.

Reported 24th May at Barbury Castle, near Wroughton, Wiltshire:

A visitor to this formation claimed to have seen Orbs flying around within the design.


Reported 24th May at Bishop Cannings, near Devizes, Wiltshire...was this stunning 'Flower Of Life' formation:


Reported on May the 25th at Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire...this elegant design seems to incorporate Yin/Yang-type symbols framing a kind of cosmic, musical staff:


Reported on May the 29th at Waylands Smithy, near Kingstone Coombs, Oxfordshire...was this brilliantly bizarre Jellyfish design. The year's first true stunner. In a word - WOW!:

Animal Totem : Jellyfish (Light and Power). Symbolic Meaning : inner strength, vulnerability, transparency, truth. The transparency of the jellyfish teaches of the inner source within each of us. We have an enormous amount of power within us to draw upon. We can turn on the light even in the depths of darkness through the wisdom of the jellyfish. It often shows up just when you believe there is no hope left. The jellyfish sting symbolizes that even the most vulnerable has the ability to shield and protect itself from outside influences. The jellyfish is an electrifying totem. It offers a spark to energize and illuminate. Powerful!


Will keep everyone updated on all latest formations throughout the year.

To view this year's April Formations, go to:

For all the latest Crop Formations, go to:

For more on the 'theory' of Crop Formations, go to:

Another Point of You : OM...

*This post will be updated & revised throughout the 2009 Crop Circle Season.

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 26, 2009 at 11:32pm

Halo ONE'in'All. I came across this ONEderful documentary on Crop Circles recently. Essential viewing & gorgeously made. I thoroughly recommend it.


Where does the mysterious Crop Circle phenomenon come from? Why do people have extraordinary experiences in them? Flying balls of lights are seen in and around Crop Circles. Is an alien intelligence trying to communicate with us? The geometry which can be found in Crop Circles include a lot of mathematics which can be also found in nature.

The new documentary "New Swirled Order" deals with these questions and presents some extraordinary Crop Circle formations from 2008, like the "Pi"-formation at Barbury Castle or the Crop Circle near Avebury Manor, which showed our solar system's planetary configuration on December 21st 2012.

"New Swirled Order : Crop Circle Documentary 2009"


In-Joy : I AM
Another PEACE of You : OM...

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 4, 2009 at 10:13pm
"Crop Circles : HerStory..."
By : David Pratt

'Milky Way Galaxy' : Milk Hill, Wiltshire, 12 August 2001. The largest crop pattern of all time, 800 feet across, consisting of 409 circles.

The Phenomenon Continues.

Every year, on average, around 200 designs appear in crops around the world. These patterns of flattened plants have been reported on every continent, in around 30 countries, but the majority have appeared in southern England. Since the 1980s, the original simple circles have developed into huge, intricate, geometrical patterns of stunning precision and beauty. Most appear in wheat, barley and oil-seed rape, but they have also been reported in rye, oats, flax, maize, sugar cane, peas, potatoes, sunflowers, grass, fruit orchards, rice paddies, snow, and ice.

Over the years, crop formations have been attributed to a variety of mundane causes: drunks armed with string and boards, wild young farmers, disillusioned art students, out-of-work journalists, overapplication of fertilizer, interference from mobile phones, squabbling birds, geometrically-gifted cows, and sex-mad hedgehogs. Although the general public, mass media and scientific establishment tend to dismiss the entire phenomenon as the work of human pranksters, there is strong evidence that an unexplained force and guiding intelligence are at work.

The Doug and Dave Scam.

On 9 September 1991, the British tabloid "Today" ran a front-page story headlined: ‘The men who conned the world’. The story claimed that all the crop circles in England were the work of two pensioners, Doug Bower and David Chorley, aged 67 and 62 respectively. Their tools included a four-foot plank of wood and a ball of string, along with a piece of wire dangling from a baseball cap to serve as a sighting device, enabling them to construct perfectly straight lines by focusing on a distant object – in the dead of night!

To flatten the crop in areas that did not overlap tramlines (the tracks made by tractors when spraying crops), they said they had stood inside a tramline and then jumped or pole-vaulted into the standing crop; this would involve pole-vaulting a distance of up to 35 feet – an Olympian achievement! They said that the idea of making Crop Circles had come to them after a boring evening at the pub in 1978, and their only motive was to ‘have a laugh’. Not only had they never been caught in the act, but their wives had never even noticed their nocturnal absence.

Doug and Dave demonstrated their skills (above) with this 1991 crop formation – after a pint of beer too many by the looks of things.

They showed that they could create crude circular designs in broad daylight – but lacking the geometrical precision, complexity and beautiful crop lays found in the finest formations. At that time, the ‘circles’ had already evolved into complex pictograms, but Doug and Dave could not convincingly explain how they had created these. They could not even duplicate on paper a Celtic cross design they claimed to have made. Confronted with evidence that they had nothing to do with certain formations, they began to backtrack. Even if their grossly exaggerated claim to have made 250 crop circles in England since 1978 were true, that would still leave 1750 formations in England and other countries unaccounted for, as well as numerous pre-1978 formations.

This did not stop the public at large swallowing the idea that all crop circles were made by humans. Many people find this far more palatable than the possibility that unsolved mysteries are taking place in the fields. So Doug and Dave certainly ‘conned the world’ – though not in the way most people think! Despite their ‘retirement’, the crop circles were back as usual in 1992 – but without the intense media interest.

Crop Circle Evolution.

When Doug and Dave claimed to have invented the crop circle phenomenon as a joke in 1978, they weren’t aware that almost 300 documented formations predated their alleged exploits. There are sporadic reports of crop circles being found in England throughout the 20th century. But reports actually go back several centuries earlier. In 16th and 17th century folklore we find stories about fairies and elves seen dancing in the fields and leaving circles of trodden grass.

Since the late 1970s the number of circles has increased dramatically, especially in the southern English counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, and the designs have become increasingly elaborate. Single swirled circles gave way to multiple circles, sometimes arranged nonrandomly. The first quintuplet (a circle surrounded by four smaller, evenly-spaced satellite circles) appeared in 1978. Later, quintuplets appeared with rings connecting their outer satellites, creating ‘Celtic crosses’. Circles with multiple concentric rings around them also started to appear.

A quintuplet, Beckhampton, Wiltshire, 3 August 1988.

1990 saw the first pictograms, consisting of long chains of circles, rings, rectangles, straight lines, and tridents, ‘keys’ or ‘claws’. Whales/dolphins and insectograms began to appear the following year. Crop glyphs from 1994 included ‘thought bubbles’, which by incorporating crescents mutated into glyphs resembling spiders and scorpions. That year also saw the first astronomy-related glyphs, which include galaxies, asteroid belts and planetary orbits. Since the late 1990s the formations have developed into spectacular and incredibly complex geometrical designs or mandalas. Sevenfold geometry first appeared in 1998, ninefold geometry in 1999 and elevenfold geometry in 2000. Since 1999 several crop formations have created the illusion of being three-dimensional.

Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, 11 July 1990. This huge pictogram gained worldwide publicity and attracted thousands of visitors.

In total, over 10,000 crop formations have been documented worldwide. Over 700 of them appeared in 1991. Of the 229 formations reported from around the world in 2004, 33.9% of them appeared in England, where crop circles tend to cluster around sacred megalithic sites such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill. Other countries with crop circles included Germany (13.2%), the USA (9.2%), the Czech Republic (8.4%), and Italy (8.4%).

The ‘Tetrahedron’ : Barbury Castle, Wiltshire, 17 July 1991. The day after it appeared, a British newspaper ran a photo of the design with the headline, ‘Now explain this one’.

‘Scorpion’ or ‘Dragonfly’ : Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, 15 July 1994.

'Galaxy' : West Stowell, Wiltshire, 23 July 1994. It has been interpreted as showing a conjunction of planets in the constellation Cetus that occurred in April 2000.

‘Spiderweb’ : Avebury, Wiltshire, 11/12 August 1994. The shimmering effect is created by the crop being laid in opposing directions.

'Solar System' glyph : Longwood Warren, Hampshire, 22 June 1995. It depicts the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth’s orbit, Mars, and Jupiter’s orbit. According to Gerald Hawkins, it shows a planetary alignment that occurred on 6 November 1903, the day the Wright brothers proved that man could fly, and again on 11 July 1971, during Mariner 9’s journey to Mars.

‘Julia Set’ : Stonehenge, Wiltshire, 7 July 1996. This 115-metre-wide spiral of 151 circles appeared in broad daylight in full view of a busy road, just opposite Stonehenge, within a 15-minute time-window (according to testimony from pilots, a farmer, a security guard, and motorists calling the police). A professional surveying engineer said it would take him about two full days to lay out the design.

‘Koch fractal’ : Milk Hill, Wiltshire, 8 August 1997. Two engineering firms estimated that staking out the 346 reference points required to construct the design prior to flattening the wheat would take 6.5 to 7.5 days, or 11 days if done under cover of darkness. Yet the formation had definitely appeared overnight.

Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, 4 July 1999.

'3-D Ribbon’ : Beckhampton, Wiltshire, 28 July 1999.

'14-pointed Star' : Roundway, Wiltshire, 31 July 1999.

‘Magnetic Fields’ : Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire, 22 July 2000.

‘The Angel’ : Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire, 25 July 2001.

'Ribbon' : Stonehenge, Wiltshire, 4 July 2002.

Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, 20 July 2003.

North Down, Wiltshire, 10 August 2003.

600-ft-long (musical?) formation, East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, 20 June 2004.

‘Mayan Sun wheel’, 350 feet across, Silbury Hill, 19/20 June 2004. This formation appeared in outline the first night, and was completed the next night. Some researchers assume that this means it must be man-made, but there is no conclusive evidence of this.

West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire, 30 July 2004.


In authentic crop circles, the flattened plants are largely undamaged (until visitors arrive!) and tend to continue growing, whereas in hoaxed circles the stalks are generally broken, crushed and often killed. The stalks of flattened vegetation in genuine circles are bent at angles of up to 90 degrees, and are often laid in a strikingly intricate and beautifully woven fashion.

Circular components of a design are usually swirled clockwise or anticlockwise from a centre point outwards. But instead of the swirl going round and round out from the centre in a tight spiral, as tends to be the case in man-made formations, it often flows widely outwards, sometimes in a distinct S-shape. Spirals are often made of thin strips, not 3-ft-wide swaths, as when planks or garden rollers are used. Where different flows merge, the plants tend to be plaited over and under, suggesting that all the plants have collapsed in opposing directions simultaneously.

Crop lay resembling rippling water, typical of large, complex glyphs. Note how the crop is elegantly laid in thin bundles. Roundway, 1999.

Mini-circle or ‘bird’s nest’ in the 1997 Milk Hill formation.

The centre of a swirl of crop is often marked by a bare area of soil or a ‘hole’ in the middle of a whorl of stems, and is frequently offset from the mathematical centre, sometimes by several feet. In some formations individual stems have been drawn into the outer edges of circles from behind standing crop, which clearly precludes the use of physical implements. The direction of crop flow is often different below the top layer of flattened crop. Multi-tiered, multi-directional layering has never been replicated by the use of feet, planks, garden rollers or plastic pipes.

The floor lay of the 1994 'Galaxy Formation' (above) showcases the circlemakers’ precision.

The circle-making force can apparently discriminate between the maturity of plants, for less mature plants, whether standing in a row or scattered throughout the flattened area, are sometimes left standing. The force also seems to be able to select between plant species, for red poppies or thistles may be left standing amid flattened barley or wheat. This feature, too, rules out the use of planks and garden rollers. The force is so precise that curtains of wheat one stalk wide are sometimes all that separate one circle from another.

A discoloured and stretched node with a 90-degree bend.

Biophysicist William Levengood and a number of other researchers have discovered that flattened plants frequently have enlarged nodes (the little ‘knuckles’ along the stems of corn-type plants) and sometimes have ‘expulsion cavities’ in the same areas, where moisture seems to have exploded outwards. Seed germination trials have shown that when a formation occurs in immature crop, the seedlings usually do not develop, or their growth is severely reduced, but if a formation occurs in more mature crop, the seeds grow at up to five times the normal rate.

60% of circles appear on rainy nights. Yet farmers and researchers often notice that there is no mud on flattened crop, which there would have been if it had been flattened by humans using mechanical implements. Moreover, readily crushable balls of chalk are sometimes found intact beneath the flattened plants. And when a formation occurs on soil containing small, sharp rocks such as flint, the stems rest on top of the rocks without leaving crease marks, showing that no weight has been applied.

The soil inside crop circles often shows differences with the soil outside them. In one Canadian formation, for example, the soil had been baked as hard as cement, whereas the rest of field was moist and muddy. Reports of baked soil under flattened plants in crop circles also come from other countries, such as Russia. In 50% of crop circles the soil inside is noticeably drier than outside. Many of the effects on plants and soil are consistent with the generation of intense heat during the creation of crop circles.

Strange substances, such as jelly-like or powdery deposits, are sometimes found on the plants and soil inside crop circles. Powdery deposits that have been identified include high-purity silicon dioxide, magnesium oxide, and magnetite (magnetic iron ore). The latter may be meteoric dust, which is constantly drifting down through the atmosphere to the earth’s surface; the concentration in circles is up to 600 times higher than the normal value, indicating the presence of strong magnetic fields around crop circles.

Nearly 90% of crop circles appear over aquifers and/or over chalk and greensand (an olive-green sandstone). They are often aligned with ancient sacred sites and with ley lines or lines of earth energy, as detected by dowsing. The positioning of crop circles is sometimes undeniably nonrandom. For instance, three identical whale-like pictograms from 1991 formed a perfect isosceles triangle across several miles when linked with lines on a map.

Some formations seem to make use of tractor tramlines as guidelines, but others don’t. Many formations have appeared in Canada, yet Canadian fields are sprayed by airplanes so there are no tramlines to provide hoaxers with easy access to the fields. In the UK, pictograms often used to be surrounded with dozens of mini-circles, or ‘grapeshot’, a couple of feet in diameter, located in places that cannot be reached on foot without leaving obvious traces. Doug and Dave’s pole-vaulting yarns have become comedy legend.

In the case of a small percentage of formations, both simple circles and complex designs, there is clear visual evidence in the newly-planted field of the previous summer’s crop circle. The new plants in the area where the previous circle was located may be shorter or taller than the surrounding crop or slightly different in colour. This effect usually lasts no more than two years after the original formation.

Dead wild animals are rarely found in crop formations, but there have been a few exceptions. Some birds had apparently been caught up in the creation of a 1993 formation, and had been blown apart and disintegrated by the force. Mixed in with the blood and feathers were minute bits of flesh, but there were no bones, or any distinguishable or recognizable parts. Laboratory tests on some of the remains confirmed that they belonged to an ‘exploded bird’.

Two dead porcupines were found in two different Canadian crop circles. One had almost disintegrated into blackened parts and the other had been squashed like a pancake. Scrape marks and a row of standing broken quills indicated that the latter porcupine had been dragged to the centre of the formation from the perimeter. The flow of flattened quills on its body went in the same direction as the lay of the fallen crop. Analysis of the other porcupine showed that the blackness of the remains was not due to burning. Most animals probably sense something is about to happen and run away, but porcupines respond to danger by simply raising their spines and sitting tight.

In one crop formation, numerous dead flies were found stuck by their tongues to the seed heads of the plants, with their legs and wings spread out widely, as if in a spasm. Some appeared to have exploded. Other flies were still in a perfect state, but most were nevertheless dead. Some were still alive but stunned, and after being liberated from the plants, they flew away. F. Grassi argues that a fungus (Entomophtora muscae) is the most likely exlanation, rather than some mysterious circle-forming mechanism.


Many people believe that crop formations carry a symbolically encoded message. As with mythology, symbolism appeals to our imagination and is open to different interpretations. But most researchers would agree that crop formations are ‘mandalas of hope’ for our troubled world.

The basic element of crop glyphs is the circle, which can symbolize unity, boundless space, and the universal creative spirit or godforce. Crop circles with rings and satellite circles sometimes resemble diagrams of the chemical elements, with their orbiting electrons. For instance, a central circle orbited by four satellites (quintuplet) symbolizes the carbon atom, with its four outer electrons, as well as being reminiscent of a Celtic cross.

Two circles of differing sizes joined by an avenue can signify communication between the physical and spiritual worlds, while the absence of a joining line may signify a broken connection. A solid circle sometimes represents the male principle, and a ring or a circle with a ring the female principle. Joined by an avenue, these become symbols of the sacred marriage. However, if the arrangements of circles, rings, bars, avenues, claws, etc. found in the complex pictograms of the early 1990s represent a precise symbolic language, no one has managed to decipher it. It is noteworthy that some of these crop designs also appear in ancient petroglyphs.

Sacred geometry has taken on a key role in the increasingly complex crop glyphs that have appeared since the early 1990s. Two overlapping circles produce a vesica piscis, emblematic of the conjunction of spirit and matter, and associated with the Piscean Age. Some glyphs represent the squaring of the circle, signifying the fusion of spirit and matter.

'Pentagram' variation : Dadford, Buckinghamshire, 4 July 1998.

Spirals, triangles, pentagons and pentagrams, hexagons, heptagons, octogons, etc. are all found in crop formations, each with its own symbolic connotations. An equilateral triangle, for example, can represent completion. Three-dimensionally it becomes the tetrahedron (four-sided pyramid), a key hermetic symbol, and a prime bonding pattern of matter. One of its best-known crop-glyph representations is the 1991 Barbury Castle tetrahedron. In ancient alchemy, balls on the tips of a tetrahedral triangle signify the three prime alchemical elements: salt, sulphur, mercury. The five-pointed star or pentagram (which, like the pentagon, displays the golden-mean ratio) symbolizes the human being, since a human figure with outstretched limbs fits within it. The six-pointed star or interlaced triangles (also known as Solomon’s seal or the sign of Vishnu) represents universal spirit and matter.

The Pythagorean symbol of wellbeing, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, 12/13 July 1997.

Ninefold formation with six-crescent vortex, Cherhill, Wiltshire, 18 July 1999.

The spiral-shaped Stonehenge glyph can represent several things: the computer-generated fractal known as the Julia Set; the base clef symbol used in musical notation; the spiral shape found in the nautilus shell and many other natural forms; and a mammalian skeleton with the correct number of vertebrae. Some have likened the interlocking spiral motif of the Triple Julia Set to the Tibetan Buddhist symbol called the ‘wheel of joy’ (or gakyil), which symbolizes the primordial energy and also the three stages to enlightenment spoken of in Dzogchen teachings.

The Tibetan Wheel of Joy and its Crop-Circle counterpart.

Despite the widespread resistance to viewing crop formations as anything other than a man-made joke, they have left an indelible mark on our culture. Their stunning beauty, geometrical grace, multicultural symbolism and mysterious origins seem intended to intrigue, enchant and inspire us. There appears to be a creative intelligence behind the majority of crop formations, but one which prefers to remain anonymous, and to leave anyone who is paying attention to draw their own conclusions, like some sort of intelligence test or intuition test.

Crop formations have been called ‘temporary temples’, and it is fitting that they should show an affinity for places which for millennia have been centres of worship and spiritual focus. In South Africa, crop circles are called ‘great circles of the gods’; when a circle appears, people erect a fence around it, and perform dances and other sacred rituals honouring the earth mother and the star gods.

Colin Andrews has said that ‘crop circles are giving us all a spiritual nudge’, ‘a push towards the higher aspirations of peace and enlightenment’. ‘We are being challenged to learn,’ he says, ‘and the tools of our instruction are ancient spiritual symbols, mandalas, and other innate, natural patterns. ... [W]e are being given a wake-up call and it is our responsibility to acknowledge the message, and take action’.

There is no telling for how much longer crop formations will continue to manifest in such great numbers and in such complex forms. Will they continue to evolve? Each year people wonder just how much more complex they can get, and every year the glyph-makers continue to spring surprises with their inventive genius. At some point – when their purpose is done or the stimulus runs dry – the glyphs will probably wind down again to rare appearances. Andy Thomas writes:

Let’s enjoy the formations while we have them and validate their significance simply by the fact they are gorgeous to look at, having made many very happy and left us carved a little deeper and a little wiser by the questions and issues they have raised. ...
For one thing everyone agrees on, even the most committed sceptics, is that wherever they come from, the glyphs are art of the highest order. ...
If grace and beauty are all the crop circles have brought into our world, we have reason enough to be thankful.

The ‘DNA’ formation, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, 17 June 1996.

‘Triple Julia Set’ : Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire, 29 July 1996. 196 perfectly graded circles spiral out from the centre and extend to a diameter of over 1000 ft. Joining the centres of corresponding circles in each of the three arms with three lines generates a series of equilateral triangles, spiralling, rotating and expanding from the centre outwards with awesome precision. A US surveying company stated that to mark out the Triple Julia Set to this degree of accuracy would take three to five days, adding two days for calculation time and another three if working at night.

Hoaxed ‘Flower of life’ : Alton Priors, 1997. Measuring errors have produced a total mess.

'Sunflower/Crown Chakra' : Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire, 13 August 2000, made out of 308 triangles of standing crop. It is composed of 44 spirals based on phi (φ) or the golden mean (ratio 1:1.618), a spiral that is difficult to draw, even on paper.

For full article, go to:


Another (galactic) Point of You : OM...

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