"Start Wearing Purple" is a song by gypsy punk band Gogol Bordello, written by frontman Eugene Hütz. The song was released as the band's second single in February 2006. It belongs to their third album "Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike".

Start wearing purple wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

Purple (and all shades thereof) is my favourite colour. Whenever I see purple...I could just melt into it. It's like 'Home' to me. I wish you guys could see my's like a Purple Paradise!

So of course, this is my theme song...

Dance like EVERYONE is watching!

Blessed Be ONE'in'All.
Another (purple) Point of You : OM...

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on January 4, 2010 at 3:06pm

Halo nicole,

I'm soooo happy you're a fellow Romany-Gypsy dancer! Yes - that music just does things to me...makes me feel so uninhibited. I can see us both dancing with wild abandon around a campfire to these songs (ha ha!).

Ahh yes, the ever multi-faceted, ever-morphing le Comte de Saint-Germain. Once I learned of his many various incarnations, I was GODsmacked (as I deeply respect many of them : Lao Tzu was apparently also one of his incarnations...and 'The Tao te Ching' is one of my favourite books of all time). Being so into alchemy & magick, I was thrilled too that he was once known as The ONEder Alchemist (caps mine). So for awhile there, everywhere I seemed to turn, there He was. And well, it doesn't surprise me about the whole Violet Flame thing! That's just the purple cherry on top!

Here are some of my other favourite pics of him:

Violet Flame Blessings to You my dear friend.

Another Point of You : OM...

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on January 4, 2010 at 2:13am

Oh and just in case any of you thought Gogol Bordello was some obscure, little Romany they are with The Queen of Pop herself : Madonna - performing an amazing version of 'La Isla Bonita' at Live Earth in 2007.

Truly a powerhouse performance!
Layla Layla Layla!

Gogol Bordello are awesome. I play their music with my friends (or alone!) and we all suddenly turn into crazy, Balkan-bangin', dancing Gypsies! And I mean that in the most respectful way : I LOVE Balkan/Gypsy music - so much life, so much spirit, so much fun! A whole section of my music collection is devoted to this particular genre (Gogol Bordello, Balkan Beat Box, Basement Jaxx, Shantel, Senor Coconut, etc).

I truly feel alive when I'm whirling about to this type of music!
I'm just nuts for it!
Hmmm...a past-life thing for me perhaps...?


Thank You nicole for your comment. From a spiritual viewpoint, I've always resonated with and had an affinity for the Ascended Master : St. Germain (must be that Violet Flame!). You could say he started wearing purple many ages ago! So true what you've said about purple being an acquired taste...until Now. Seems that now with more & more people activating their Crown Chakras, it's really become Purple's turn to SHINE! It IS the highest vibrating colour after all! As Within, So Without...

Namaste & Blessed Be.
Another (purple) Point ov You...

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