Positive Attitude is Everything - Very Funny Attitude Video - Inspirational


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Comment by Netfino on February 13, 2012 at 11:49am

Comment by Netfino on February 13, 2012 at 11:13am

Comment by Nicole on February 12, 2012 at 11:28pm

hahahaha Netty, I talk tooooooo much....

No need to analyse anything, I will stay quiet now.... :)

Have a great week too :)

Comment by Netfino on February 12, 2012 at 1:15pm

Thanks, Nicky, for your trial of explanation this subject to me!

There are still some aspects I can't imagine and it is difficult to understand, being on my level, but my eyes  are wide-opened, my mind is ready to receive new views. I try to listen to "fresh voices" and my personal philosophy analyses it...

Have a wonderful week!

Comment by Nicole on February 12, 2012 at 7:02am

Thanks for commenting my comment Netfino !

Bad and Good are the both ingredients in each situation that hold both parts. As we went through a lot of 'bad' things, we experienced the lower side of the light. Same for the 'good' things. Now, we can expand and experience situation that contain the whole, but this time of consciousness, we are aware of what is coming, and there is always the result into each situation depending of our own perspective. Bad and Good being part of Duality, when we go beyond both of them, beleive me there is no boredom, as we see all the facets of the same situation playing together at the same moment and it is enjoyable and gives us a higher perspective of both good and bad. For that, we are all invited to comprehend and accept that we are multi dimensional beings.

You have already shifted Netfino. Just by wondering and asking if it's time or not .... This is different facets of your own self playing silmutaneously at the same moment of NOW :)

Comment by Netfino on February 10, 2012 at 11:46am

Although I realize that a level of my English isn't appropriate for such discussion, I'll try to add my little view.
I would say - our life is built of "waves" of negative and positive experiences which generate our emotions.
I tell myself that in each negative experience I should try to find positive items. I know that such a translation "bad into good" is very, very difficult.
If you experience "bad whiles", you can properly appreciate the possitive moments in your life and enjoy them more.
It is fantastic moment when your current sorrow is passing and you can feel extatic joy!
Additionally the experienced gloomy moments make you stronger.
Your comment, Nicky, is full of wisdom, but I wonder a little, because on the other hand, if I tried to feel good and bad in the same way, my life would be monotonous and colourless:) My emotions  would be constant (still the same).
To my mind our life is beautiful due to its variety.
If we would perceive everything as a one state "IS" not alternant: "GOOD - BAD", would the world and our life be interesting? Hmm -I wonder...
But I realize that I look at this subject from my perspective - from other level of consciousness.
Is it a time for me to shift? - I am thinking, but I still don't feel it ...I am not able to change my point of view yet. I probably need more time...

Comment by Nicole on February 8, 2012 at 9:56pm

Nice video... funny and expanding... One has to know the dark side to bring balance in himself.... Going only on the positif if we know what is negatif makes us jump outside of the coin of polarity.. accepting all that is and make our burdens a way to find peace by changing our perspective that there is no good or bad, but only what IS... :)

I love your quotes Netty :))


Comment by Netfino on February 8, 2012 at 11:32am

I wish I had such a positive attitude - then my life would be easier :):):)

Yes, boy,  I must learn from you...

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