There may be 6.8 billion people on this planet...but there's only ONE of us here.
As Above, So Below...As Within, So Without.
And vice versa. Everything 'Out there' is 'In here'.
We don't even see with our eyes. We 'see' with our brains. Our eyes only transform light into electrical signals that are constantly delivered to the brain for interpretation. The 'visible light' is confined to a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is, in itself only 0.005 per cent of the matter/energy in the known universe.
It is within this miniscule frequency range that we decode 'light' into 'physical' reality. The eyes don't send images to the brain of three-dimensional street scenes or trees or children playing in the park, or anything else that we 'think' we are seeing outside of us. They send electrical signals. Only when the brain decodes these signals into an apparent 3D reality does the world we believe is 'around' us actually exist.
There is no world 'around' us as we perceive it; everything is all happening in our brain. And the reason why we all see the same reality (agreed consensus perception) is because we're all hooked up to the same One Mind (quite like individual computers hooked up to the Internet), but even more than that, we ARE the same One Mind viewing an 'outside' world via many varied sets of eyes and brains.
'Out there' is merely a symbol, a miniscule 'face' of something far greater. It's only the tip of a cosmic eyes-berg...
Gregg Braden's "The Holographic Nature of The Universe."
In the clip above, Gregg Braden discusses the Holographic Nature of the Universe, and how everything we do affects the collective consciousness of us all.
'Man is a little universe...and the universe, a great man.' ~ Sufi saying.
I've always been an avid advocate of the hermetic axiom:
As Within, So Without.
The above pic proves my point of You nicely.
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality"
We think The Dream is reality when we're awake...and we think dreams are reality when we're asleep. ~ Michael Ellner, Hypnotherapist & Writer.
"We are perceivers. We are Awareness; we are not objects; we have no real solidity. We are boundless...Forget this and we entrap the Infinity of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime." ~ Carlos Castaneda.
"We don't observe the universe as it actually is, but the universe exposed to our methods of perception." ~ Albert Einstein.
"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one." ~ Albert Einstein.
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein.
"Who looks outside - dreams; Who looks inside - wakes." ~ Carl Gustav Jung.
"All we see and seem is but a dream within a dream." ~ Edgar Allan Poe.
"You are Infinity having a finite experience." ~ A. Nonymous.
"The surest way to make a dream come true is to WAKE UP." ~ A. Nonymous.
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour." ~ William Blake.
"A dream that I dream alone is but only a dream...but a dream that we dream together is reality." - Raul Seixas, Brazilian composer.
"No Snowflake In An Avalanche Ever Felt Responsible." ~ Voltaire.
"When You can see yOUR SELF in everyONE - That's FREEdom...When you cannot see yOUR ONENESS with All - That's FEARdom. Love does not blind...Fear does." ~ A. Nonymous.
"To awaken within a dream, one must firstly 'real-eyes' that All of it is ONE." ~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.
"The YOUniverse is a mirror...Reflect on that." ~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.
I BE/LIVE that Mind exists everywhere simultaneously...The ONE MIND that is. The illusion is that seemingly separate bodies think that they're owners of a particularly unique & single mind - a paradox, for yes, it's a unique point of view (or a YOUnique Point of You...) from where each body stands, but really, it's The ONE MIND merely pretending to be many little minds.
Fractal within a fractal within a fractal. Dream within a dream within a dream...
So, MIND doesn't end at the edge of your head or at the outermost bone of your skull. It doesn't 'begin' at the center of your brain either. yOUR Mind inhabits the far reaches of the YOUniverse; it also resides in your lover's heart; your enemies' eyes; inside your pet and outside of it everywhere all at once.
yOUR Mind is omnipresent & omniscient - existing everywhere simultaneously. Interchange the word 'Mind' with the words - Heart, and Soul too. These words can even be interchangeable with 'GOD', Universal Spirit, The Tao, The ONE Being many...etc.
YOU never 'end', nor do YOU ever 'begin'. You are like a Circle whose center is everwhere & circumference nowhere.
To become ONE...transcend duality.
The other day I was looking around me at everything in this third-dimensional world of form, space & matter and realised something - that every thing is but a tip of one grand unlimited iceberg of unconscious potential.
As an iceberg tip exists in the tangible realm of what we can see, and the other 95% of it submerged (within the unseen Implicate Order?)...I liken the tip to being in the mental realm of Air, whilst the rest of the iceberg lies in the deep water of our collective unconscious, or perhaps, our emotions (em-Ocean).
I saw that every visible 'tip' in this 3D world (people, cups, trees, planets, etc)...were tips of ONE YOUniversALL Multidimensional Iceberg of infinite possibility.
Thus, every thing was not only connected, but ONE...many 'tips' or tangible (conscious) expressions of the ONE Being (or iceberg).
I took a very big, deep breath and just took it all in. And smiled. For eternity.
ONEdering allowed : I AM
"To the student - Seeing is believing.
To the master - Believing is seeing.
To the God/dess - Both are One & the Same."
boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead...only try to realize the truth.
Neo(phyte): What truth?
boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
Sweet Lucid Dream ONE'in'All.
Another Point ov You : OM...
There is nothing outside of The One Self - and call it what you will: God; Allah; Jehovah; Brahma; The Divine Mother; The Tao; The YOUniversal Soul etc etc.
I'll say it again: There is nothing outside of Self.
So, who or what 'created' God? Well, because there is nothing outside of Self - YOU did of course. In your journey, You are always 'creating'. In everything you think, say and do - You are God creating...God. As there is only The Self, you are always, in all ways, creating The Self.
You are a Master Moulder of The One. It is only the human mind that knows and understands finite properties like beginning and end, good and evil, yesterday and today, life and death. The One Mind however, knows only Infinity, Eternity and Timelessness - because it/You IS all of these things. It knows no boundaries or limitation.
In any given moment, you can CHOOSE to be 'human', or Divinely Ultra-Human.
Let's play with a metaphor. When you sleep at night and dream that you are a particular character, in that dream you can then go to sleep, and dream you are yet another character. So who 'created' the dream-dream character, and the dream character? You did. You dreamt them all up. And so then, who created You - the 'dreamer'? Well if you're prepared to entertain the notion that You are also a 'dream character' within another dream, then the realization will come that You are also dreaming up You!
There is nothing but YOU (The One Self) dreaming up and creating the infinite & multiple versions & aspects of YOU! YOU are forever creating YOU.
Now, back at the ranch ~ When did God begin? Again we find a merely, third-dimensional, 'human' construct. The One never 'began', as The One shall never 'end'. The One just is - in all directions, for all of 'time'. An hour still an hour? Yes, in this dimension, it is. But in a multi-dimensional YOUniverse, there is no 'hour' (only Our). There is only Right Now. Everything else is mere illusion - which humans perpetually uphold to be 'real'.
And why does God need to pretend It is not alone? God does not pretend this - Humans do! God is never alone. God(dess) is All-ONE.
So, what kind of 'lunatic' would inflict 'terrible and frightening' scenarios upon Itself? You want to know how God thinks? Simply ponder your own thoughts - for You and The One are One and The Same. You want to see how God (albeit an 'unconscious' one) acts? Simply look around you and see what S/He is manifesting in Its reality. There are no separate levels of GOD-ness - only distinct variations in CONSCIOUSNESS.
You either know you're The One...Being...many, or you don't. In knowing you're The One Self, would you deliberately go about harming, destroying & murdering y-OUR Self? Or would You treat y-OUR Self with compassion, profound respect, deep reverence and Unconditional Love?
God is the Grand Cosmic Schizophrenic, and you, me and every other being on this and all other planets, are merely 'personalities' that S/He is trying to YOUnify. We are presently a world of duality - a world where previously, Light understood and knew itself because darkness existed. But this too, has always been an illusion which humans perpetuated by believing.
'Good' and 'evil' are One & The Same - as are all polarities. But the collective is ready to move on out of this particular illusion - simply because millions the world over are asking the questions, 'Why is it so'? and 'How do we heal Our Self'?
Once we all see that the great hoo-hoo 'Death' itself is an illusion - as there is only different dimensions of Beingness - we will then stop using death as a controlling device. We were a world of duality because that's what we created - that's what we needed to create in order to transcend it. Now, let's all TRANSCEND it!
If I was to watch a typical night of news on the telly, together with a 'polarised' human, I'm pretty sure the two of us would perceive the world very differently. Where he may see injustice, I will see the playing out of various beliefs in action. Where she may see death, I will see the moving on into, another level of Beingness. Where they may see a world damned, I will see the results of Choices carried out.
Does this mean I would turn a blind eye to those in need or help? On the contrary, not only would I help if I CHOSE to, but I would SEE the situation, not with a blind eye turned - but with The One Eye (I) wide open. You will always see around you what is in your own Heart.
And lastly, "what if I'm 'right' about all this"? You simply need to CHOOSE whether I'm 'right' or 'wrong'. Or you can move beyond all that and just accept me as I AM. And in that moment of unconditional acceptance, you shall also accept the I AM that is YOU; and the YOUniverse.
We all program our realities via our internal dialogue, our thoughts and our beliefs.
The YOUniverse is at thy command because it's reflecting back to you...You.
Try thinking/stating things you seek to manifest in the PRESENT tense rather than in future tense - such as 'I AM telepathically linked with everyONE & all of humanity' (which we are of course...), rather than something like, 'I want to be telepathic.'
The YOUniverse will only reflect back to you what you're programming it to. If you believe/think/state that you ARE 'something'...then the YOUniverse will reflect back to you that AREness (or ISness). If you believe/think/state that you merely WANT...then You will only manifest a state of WANTness - not actually attaining anything, only left WANTing something.
The YOUniverse needs very precise orders...and will give you precisely what You order it to.
The Universe is the 'screen'; your thoughts - the buttons pressed; and You - the Programmer.
And 'me'? - Just another 'character' on yOUR 'screen'...
I'll See It When I Be/Live It.
Many people think they believe something only after they experience or see it but how do you think you experience it in the first place? By believing it!
It may seem strange at first to proclaim something like, 'I AM telepathic' when you haven't experienced any 'proof' or reality of it - but who do you think creates that 'proof' out of seemingly thin air? - YOU, merely by re-programming yOUR YOUniverse.
The 'cause' is not out there in a universe of random events somewhere - whilst little 'ol you experiences the 'effect'. YOU 'effect' (or affect) all reality because YOU are the 'cause' of all reality.
Re-member, the YOUniverse only reflects back to you...all of YOU...and what you're thinking, believing and stating.
Sweet Lucid Dream ONE'in'All.
Re-Member The ONE : I AM
Another (god's-I-view) Point ov You : OM...
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