'The Last Wave Goodbye?' ~ A Channelled Peace...via OM.


My name on Earth was Kalma. I lived in a village, south of Chennai in India. My father was a fisherman. My mother died giving birth to me. I was an only child and was raised in the Hindu faith. On the morning of December the 26th, 2004, I was working in my uncle's restaurant overlooking the Bay of Bengal. It was a beautiful and sunny day ~ a perfect day for my twenty-second birthday. It was also the day I died.

As the angry waters of the Indian Ocean stormed through the walls, only one thought flooded my mind. Growing up, as part of my spiritual teaching, I was to memorise fourteen lines by Sankara - an eighth-century Hindu Saint. These are the words eternally impressed upon my mind:


Fear not, wise one! You are not in danger.
There is a way to cross the ocean of life and death,
through which the saints have gained the other shore.
This way I will reveal to you.

The stupid man looks at his body and says, 'This is I'.
The more learned thinks, 'This is I' of his personality.
But the wise one knows the true Self, saying, 'I AM the Eternal'.
He is individual, though without separateness.
She who possesses Soul vision,
has dissolved the 'I' into Pure Conscious Beingness.

To those who are wandering in this desert world,
weary, oppressed and worn by sorrow,
may this teaching reveal the Eternal Oneness,
bringing joy, like an ocean of nectar near at hand.


As I was being sucked out to sea, I imagined that Brahman was inhaling my form back into The Source. I felt no fear only sorrow that I'd never see my beloved father's face again in the golden glow of an Indian sunset. When finally I could hold my breath no longer, I vacated my body. I thought I'd begin floating high above my dead shell but instead found myself extending out...becoming all of the ocean, all of the land, all of the people, the trees, the animals... A wondrous sense of peace and calmness flowed through my whole and infinite Self.

My awareness embraced and 'became' everything - every single individual, as well as all people combined. I saw that I was everyone, yet during my entire life as Kalma, I had forgotten this. I had expected my dead mother to greet me but realized I had also been the woman who birthed me. I had thought Shiva (the God of Destruction) was angry and had sent nature's lands to rumble and Her waters to turn against humans. Then I saw I WAS nature, and ALL humans.

I understood that I had always been the whole planet only pretending to be many people. And from my new Earth's 'I' view, I saw that I was vibrating at a new level. By simply knowing of my connection with all, I felt a profound trembling deep in my Earth-Heart. I also understood that these great shudders would be felt upon the physical surface of the planet - like Light ripples on a dark pond. In order to Ascend, I had to rise up out of The Dream... And the grandest paradox of all ~ My new-found Awareness had caused my new-found Awareness.

Tremendous waves of energy in motion pulsed through my Being - healing me of every doubt, illusion and fear - by throwing up into my face, every single one of them so I could face them all head on. It was this painful process which freed me.

Through my millions of other I's, I saw my Self helping my Self back on Earth. I saw love, I saw hope, I saw compassion, and I saw empathy. I saw humanity caring for Itself. I saw that I AM a grandmother in London watching a news telecast with tears in her eyes. I AM a young boy in Thailand desperately clinging onto his baby sister, determined not to lose her to the raging waters. I AM an American journalist in Sri Lanka helping to pull dead bodies from the wreckage of a capsized train carriage. I AM the Indonesian woman screaming out for her family as their house came crumbling down all around them. I AM the Swedish businessman donating hundreds of dollars to the tsunami relief effort. I AM the Australian sitting at their desk in Melbourne whose written words you are reading right now. And right at this moment, I AM also You - the reader, whose eyes dance across these very words. I 'real-eyes' now ~ I AM One...Being...everyone.

It wasn't because of karma that I died.
It was because of Kalma, I got to live.
And it's because of You, I AM living right now.

Please don't see this as a last wave goodbye.
Consider it, my first wave Hello."


Written by ~ Another PEACE of You : OM...
Early January 2005

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on October 2, 2009 at 5:34am

In honour & remembrance of the thousands feared dead from the recent (Sept. 30th 2009) devastation in Asia : the Samoan tsunami & Indonesian earthquakes...I felt that this message of Hope from Kalma was truly indeed, a timely one.

May our Asian brothers & sisters rebuild, heal & once again...find reason to smile.

Namaste & Blessed Be,
Another Point of You : OM...

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