
Here's a selection of some of the latest 3D pavement art!
Truly amazing...

This is how the above painting looks from the wrong direction:

As we all begin accessing our multidimensional abilities, 'opening the veil' so to speak...seeing other vibrational frequencies and experiencing other realms of existence, so too shall our 3D world be infiltrated by interdimensional, hyper-shaped, quantum energies (think Crop Circles) while our 2D sidewalk artists leave us third-dimensional gifts of great depth, illusion & cleverness. As the boundaries between worlds shift & dissipate, dimensions will gate-crash other dimensions, there will be dreams within dreams, and hallucinations inside mirages... Far will seem near, one shall be ONE, 'reality' will be fleeting, and all dreams...lucid. We'll-Come to NOW.

Namaste & Blessed Be ONE'in'All.

Sweet Lucid Dream.
Another (surreal) Point of You : OM...

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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on August 5, 2009 at 12:54am
Here's some more amazing examples of 3D street art. Known as 'The Chalk Guy', this man's talent truly, truly astounds me. He's an absolute genius!


Another Point of You : OM...

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