"In this can say your piece, or you can say you're PEACE"
~ Omnitheus Oneironaut.


"My religion is simple - My religion is Kindness"
~ The Dalai Lama.

Regardless of one's religion or spiritual belief, the true mark of any Enlightened Being...of any Awakened Master, can be found in their ability to love without condition; in their genuine compassion & empathy for their fellow human beings; in their understanding & respect for others' choices; and in their accepting heart, their peaceful eyes & their kind Spirit.

Some of the loveliest, most caring people I know are 'religious'. Some of the loveliest, most caring people I know are atheists & agnostics. Your religion (or lack thereof) does not define you. Your worth, your Soul, your vibrational frequency is not determined by your 'beliefs'. For it is not your mind that will be weighed at the time of your 'transition'...It's your Heart...and how much you loved that will matter the end...and forever more.

And the only thing that can keep the Heart from being to have a light heart.

It is Unconditional Love ~ LOVE without CONDITIONS ~ that keeps you Light-Hearted.
Love is what fills your Heart with Light.
Believe it - to see it.

"It is not the God in your head that makes you a better person...It's the God in your heart that makes you a better God."
~ OM...

"You can be a Christian, or you can BE a Christ.
You can be a Buddhist, or you can BE a Buddha.
You can be a believer in God, or you can BE/LIVE as ONE."
~ OM...

Whatever your choice, You are still Divine.
You are still...The ONE Being many.

"The highest expression of 'Humankind' is realised when every human IS kind."
~ OM...

Another (ONE-of-a-KIND) Point of You : OM...

ps(st) ~ I myself, don't actually follow any religion...I 'follow' & am interested in them ALL. For I believe that all pieces of the puzzle...when joined together...create ONE PEACE. And to me, Kindness is the ultimate, highest expression of HumanKIND... KINDness is SPIRITUALITY at work.

Views: 115


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Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on July 15, 2009 at 12:24am

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 30, 2009 at 12:53am

"Each and every religion and spiritual belief is a piece of the puzzle, which when joined together, create ONE PEACE."
~ OM...

Blessed Be,
Another PEACE of You : OM...

Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on May 25, 2009 at 9:47pm
Oh IamAnotherYou ~ That was just gorgeous! Just as good (& touching) as the 'Gratitude Dance' video! Notice I've also included Christopher's OV Kindness clip too (realised it's so apt for my post - I actually wrote it BEFORE I saw the clip over at OV. Serendipity strikes again!) Seems KINDness is really infiltrating the collective consciousness right now! Yay - Bring it on! One kind person at a time...

One of the things on this planet that never fails to move me to tears are the simple acts of Kindness we are all capable of showering one another with.

Here's to HumanKIND!

Another (kinda) Point of You : OM...

Comment by IamAnotherYou on May 25, 2009 at 8:31am

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