Popularized by Jose Arguelles in his esoteric 1987 book 'The Mayan Factor', the "Hunab Ku" symbol is associated with the Milky Way (the Galactic Center, or 'Galactic Butterfly') and the god Hunab Ku. It has evolved into a circular motif evoking a yin and yang symbol as well as a spiral galaxy. It has become associated with Mayanism.
The Maya believed in harmonic resonance. All of life’s cycles and passages are woven on what they called “Loom of Maya,” or this yin-yang shaped galactic core, the [Hunab Ku.] It is the “Lord” that ushers us all through passages between worlds. To Andean people the Mayu or Milky Way acted as an axis and a map telling them not only where they are, but also who they are.
Amazingly enough, Dr. Scott Hyman of Sweet Briar College has been recording energetic radio emissions from the center of our Milky Way. He and other astronomers have verified a “whirling disk” there — a Black Hole swallowing and giving birth to new stars.
John Major Jenkins writes about this massive black hole in his 'Maya Cosmogenesis 2012' : “Something very profound and mysterious is going on here. Is it just a coincidence that lurking deep within the dark-rift ‘black hole’ is the very real Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy? If not a coincidence, the dark-rift itself might indeed by the surface signifier of deeper cosmic mysteries, ones that the Maya were well aware of.”
Most people view time today as being linear, not cyclical. However the early Mayans believed there was a beginning and an end to all things, but they also believed time originates out of Hunab Ku the god that creates new beginnings. We live on a spiral, not on a line. On December 21, 2012 around 11:11 Universal Time, our Sun will align, precisely, with the Hunab Ku and the spiral may pulse a new energy into our fields. These energetic outbursts may cause severe weather, earth changes, cultural upheavals. Look around. It is already happening. Yet the message of this Galactic Archetype seems to be telling us that life will go on.
We are about to move into what Mayans called the Age of Itza, the Age of Consciousness. We need not succumb to apocalyptic fever, but we can take advantage of using archetypes and images for staying calm and balanced while we enjoy our front row seats for the coming Hunab Ku. We can choose to pass through this great moment together, not mired in confusion and fear, but filled with grace and love...
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