OMNI !!!
1 + 1 + 1 +...+ 1 = 1 ('CAUSE EVERYTHING IS ONE !!!)
11 = 1 + 1 = 1 THIS WAY YOU ARE THE "ONE" !!!
ORCHESTRA ! (check !)
FLOWERS ! (check !)
LIGHTS ! (check !)
CAMERA ! (check !) ACTION !!!
I only wanted 2 one time see u laughing...
I only wanted 2 see u bathing in the purple...
I only wanted 2 be some kind of friend...
Honey I know times r changing...
It's time we all reach out 4 something new...
And let me guide u 2 the purple rain.
The OM Symbol at the Core of the Milky Way - Part 1:
The OM Symbol at the Core of the Milky Way - Part 2
The OM-page is about discoveries and conclusions about the OM which has been known throughout the ages as a spiritual symbol of a sound or vibration or energy. It also has a graphic symbol attached to it. This graphic symbol has some similarity to the image of the center of our galaxy. At the very center of the center scientists discovered, what they call a "Black Hole". So, if the OM-symbol represents the Galactic Center, vice versa the Galactic Center has a certain meaning to our life, which has been emphasized by saints, shamans & mystics through the ages.
Since the sound OM is recognized to be the holy vibration that connects all existence, the question comes up how the "Black Hole", sitting in the center of our galaxy is connected to our spirituality. AUM/OM-chanting was practiced thousands of years ago by many or even all cultures, shamanic and more civilized ones as well. Even the Christian AMEN is rooted in the sound AUM. The Vedas, the Mayan legends and those of many other civilisations contain knowledge about the structure of our galaxy and the center explicitly mentioned. Hunab Ku, Om or Black Sun are some of the other names given to the Galactic Center.
~ Whilst searching for new OM designs, I chanced across this fascinating site - combining the OM Symbol, The Galactic Center, Hunab Ku (the Mayan 'Galactic Center Point'), Black Holes, Planetary Ascension & sound/vibration/energy! Everything I'm into in the one place. OMazing that's for sure!
Lech Janerka in "Tryki na Start" from the album "Historia Podwodna" ("The Underwater History")
I'm STILL seeing stars!
And this is no April Fool's Joke!
This morning (the day after I sent IamAnotherYou an email regarding our continuing Subaru starry logo/Pleiades coincidence), I turn over my Crop Circle calendar to feature April - and what do I see?! This!:
It's a Crop Circle depicting the Pleiades cluster!
As I turned it over & saw it, I exclaimed 'No Way!' What a thrilling way to start my day/month!
Last month, it was all about Dolphins (with my Crop Circle Calendar mirroring these FINtastic synchronicities perfectly)...this month it seems to be about stars & constellations - the Pleiades in particular...
Hmmm. What outta-this-world experiences await us this month!?!
After a memorable 2008 Crop Circle Season that included some of the most amazing designs the world has ever seen including the Celtic Cross, The PHI circle, The Divine Feminine, The Figure Eight Circle and many more, we are about to do it again beginning in April.
"What makes a wheel a wheel is the space between the spokes."
~ Lao Tzu.
Binaural Beats, The Sacred Solfeggio, and The Algorithms of Organic Life Systems
Symphonic Sorcery, New Aeon Magic, and The Silence Between the Gnosis
Labyrinth Of The Psychonaut.
He claims to live in the 'Holographic Universe'; lists his occupations as - Influencer of Dreams, Unplugger of Minds, & Evolutionary Muse. He states, "We are the Fractalated Tendrils of Reality, Forever Undulating Towards the Realm of Evolution & Great Mystery." He goes by the name of 'soundlessdawn'... And I happen to think he is very, VERY, excitingly switched on : an interpreter of metaphors, a decoder of symbols, an astute reader of Life, and its gradually rising vibration. It's like he's a galactic Higher Dimensional who has inserted himself into Simulation Earth...and is leaving a trail of breadcrumbs on the forest floor for us to follow - if we so choose. His act of Re-Membering is a wake-up call to us all...
His many interests include: Crop Circles, Film Symbolism, Synchronicity, Tarot, Astrology, Archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, 11:11, the Pyramids, Galactic Alignment, 2012, Earth's Ascension Process, Vibrational Frequencies, Aliens, Stargates/Portals/Wormholes, Time Travel, Sacred Geometry, Ritual Magick, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, String Theory, Duality, the Unification of Polarities, Chaos Theory, Fate, the Occult, Numerology, etc, etc, etc.
Quite simply, I AM in awe of his work. It's like he puts pictures to my words...images to my current thoughts.
Here's one Psychonaut that certainly impresses this Oneironaut!
Halo ONE'in'All - It's about time I stepped out from behind my 'cosmic' face and showed you all my Human Face! So, here I AM. I warn you though - I do smile a lot!
Namaste. Halo ONE'in'All. I just wanted to share this with you. Woke up from the most amazing/peculiar dream this morning. I've only recently discovered how to embed pictures into my posts - by including the 'embed code' or formula...(I can even manipulate the length & width now by changing the dimension codes)...well, in this dream, I was walking around our normal, everyday world (a normal day in my life), BUT I was able to 'plug into' the 'matrix program' and (by thought alone) could manipulate my surroundings & environment by 'hacking' into the embed codes of every single thing 'embedded' in existence! (as if my mind was hooked up to some cosmic internet system...). If I wanted something smaller or larger, I'd simply lessen or lengthen the dimensions (numbers) in the embed codes. If I wanted something to disappear, I'd erase the code altogether. And if I wanted something to appear, I'd simply make up a code myself. I even had access to the embed codes of me - my very being! Once I realised I could consciously create 'reality' like this, I went lucid...and began playing within this self-created realm of ONEder & Magick. By being 'plugged into' the overall simulation program (the collective unconscious?), I then understood so much about the nature of reality and the reality of nature. And I could create Consciously & Will-fully. It was sooo much fun, and quite the profound experience. I woke up rejuvenated, still-lucid & in awe of every thing in this ONEderful YOUniverse...
I've taken to 'hooking up' to the multidimensional computer screen in my mind's eye whilst I'm awake (quite like those cool screens in 'Minority Report' but I drag the images/boxes across with my eyes, then focus on something to 'bring it up') and on flat days, inserting the words: Energised, Happy, Calm, etc., into the 'mood' section of my personal Embed Code (that 'embeds' me into this reality...). I find that once it's 'locked in', it only takes a matter of seconds to 'come up' on the screen of 'Life'. Way cool.
I've really felt an inner shift since all this has happened. What a great little trick though - using the metaphor of internet embed codes, as a greater tool for Life. There really are Keys everywhere...(for those with 'eyes to see').
Halo ONE'in'All - After bombarding you all with several pictures of my self lately, I thought I'd feature the one that inspired me in the first place to use that Chilbolton Face/Crop Circle image as my Profile pic...
I've recently finally uploaded the photo (of myself) that's always reminded me of the Chilbolton 'Alien' Face...the Crop Circle that came down in 2001 in Southern England. I've always thought it bore an uncanny resemblance to me. When this particular formation appeared, it was like looking into a mirror. Definately quite astounding. To me anyway! As a result, I've now replaced my 'cosmic' face with my 'human' face as my Profile pic.
As a curious aside, the Face came down accompanying an extraterrestrial 'reply' to a message we ourselves, sent out into space in 1973 - incidently, the year I was born! Snap again!
Sweet Lucid Dream & Blessed Be,
Another Point of You : OM...
Halo ONE'in'All. Check out the new Jellyfish Formation that came down just yesterday (May the 29th at Waylands Smithy, near Kingstone Coombs, Oxfordshire, Southern England) my mind, this brilliantly bizarre Jellyfish design is the year's first true stunner. In a word - WOW!
Animal Totem : Jellyfish (Light and Power). Symbolic Meaning : inner strength, vulnerability, transparency, truth. The transparency of the jellyfish teaches of the inner source within each of us. We have an enormous amount of power within us to draw upon. We can turn on the light even in the depths of darkness through the wisdom of the jellyfish. It often shows up just when you believe there is no hope left. The jellyfish sting symbolizes that even the most vulnerable has the ability to shield and protect itself from outside influences. The jellyfish is an electrifying totem. It offers a spark to energize and illuminate. Powerful!
In 'light' of this information, it certainly now seems to make so much more sense! Actually it's very exciting & inspiring that this Jellyfish Formation should come down now! How gorgeous.
To Add : I've always had 'issues' with UFOs that look very 'nuts & bolts-ish'. Everytime I've ever dreamt of a UFO (or being in one), it has appeared very organic & cellular-like, more like a floating/flying organism or living blob-sphere than a physical saucer-type vehicle. Whenever I've dreamt of flying them, I've always felt like I was hooked up to them in an organic/psychic way - like I was powering the 'ship' via thought alone (as if it could read my mind). I don't know why I envision them this way. Probably, because I know them to be more 'fluid' - being interdimensional and all. You could say, because I see them like this - they could also appear to be jellyfish-like : ie - a molecular cell-like bulbous 'head' with the 'tentacles' being the wisps of air left behind as it flies about in the air...
This new formation could indeed also be representing a Light Ship!
Reported June the 3rd at Little London, near Yatesbury, Wiltshire...was this incredibly intricate, elegantly stunning Dragonfly:
*Dragonfly Symbolism:
They are fantastic flyers, darting like light, twisting, turning, changing direction, even going backwards as the need arises. The power of the Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles. They are inhabitants of two realms - starting with water, and moving (ascending) to the air with maturity, but staying close to water. As creatures of the water, Dragonflies carry symbolism relative to the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts (water is symbolic of the subconscious mind or 'deeper mind/dreaming mind' and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states). As a creature of the wind (air/mind), the Dragonfly totem represents Change & Transformation. Its iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather. The Dragonfly represents balance with mental clarity and control ~ an expression of the emotional and mental together.
Dragonflies are old and adaptive insects, and are most powerful in the summer under the effects of warmth and sunlight. Their colors are a result of reflecting and refracting the power of light. As a result, they are associated with color magick, illusion and mysticism. The Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be.
They are often featured in Japanese paintings, representing new light and joy. To some Native Americans they are the souls of the dead. Faerie stories say that they used to be real dragons.
Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. "Let there be light" is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. They help you to see through your illusions and allow your own Light to shine in a new vision.
Dragonfly symbolism crosses and combines with that of the Butterfly ~ Change & Transformation.
The Dragonfly symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit our growing and changing.
Dragonflies are a symbol of the sense of Self that comes with maturity.
As a personal symbol ~ to me the Dragonfly represents 'seeing through the illusion, or veil' (the insect world's version of Neo!). With their ability to dart & flit around (kinda like interdimensional spaceships) it's like they are only 'visitors' to this dimension. Symbolically, they possess the ability to 'pierce' through the illusory veils we are all collectively entrapped within. Looking at this particular formation - it's absolutely bristling with energy. I'm experiencing electrical waves travelling up & down my back just looking at it - It's that powerful!
Reported July the 2nd at Milk Hill, near Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire...the Hummingbird has landed:
One of the Nazca Lines of Peru, depicts a Hummingbird (500 B.C. to 500 A.D.):
The Hummingbird symbolises many different concepts. Because of its speed, the Hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time. The Hummingbird animal totem represents hope and jubilation. It is also a symbol of joy, love, beauty & harmony. The Hummingbird is also able to fly up, down, forwards & backwards, teaching us that we can look back on our past. But, this bird also teaches that we must not dwell on our past; we need to move forward. The Hummingbird can also hover in one spot and appear to be motionless (thus appearing to stop time). When the Hummingbird hovers over flowers while drinking nectar, we learn that we should savor each moment, and appreciate the things we love.
It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the Hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity. In Mayan teachings, Hummingbird is connected to the Fifth World. Their deity Quetzalcoatl was considered to be a Hummingbird God.
By observing the Hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day. Amazing migrators, some Hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the pursuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the Hummingbird in our lives. The Hummingbird symbolises the courage required to embark on an epic journey. Once touched by the energies of this archetype, we are propelled on our own epic journey that eventually leads us back to our source, where our spirit was first spawned...
Grand MERCI, OMNI, for the" happy, red creature"!!!
Life is very complicated and difficult, indeed, so we ought to float on our life wave with a big luggage of joy, we should try to eliminate things we don’t like about our existence – in this way, I think, we can make our life journey longer …
By the way - sometimes I hate squirrels because they eat all nuts from trees in my garden every year, but this one, from tarot deck, is quite friendly.
This just in!
I have only one thing to say about this Crop Formation : Holy WOW!
Reported August the 8th at Goes, Holland, Netherlands:
This gigantic Butterfly/Man Crop Formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle EVER...appeared in The Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called Goes, on the 8th of August 2009. It is an incredibly large butterfly with Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man' in the center, depicting the metamorphosis of the Caterpillar into a Butterfly.
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was became a Butterfly." Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Whether man-made or not...this design is just incredible! You know, I was just thinking not that long the Crop Circle phenomenon might evolve next year. And I immediately got the impression : Formations that take up the ENTIRE field! So, it really blew me away when this particular formation was sent into my orbit. I was GODsmacked! In a quaint way too, it's a ONEderful message we're sending the real Circle Makers - that this is what we see ourselves evolving into...
Blessed Be ONE'in'All,
Another Point of You : OM...
"It may take two to tango...but it only takes ONE to coinciDANCE!"
Halo ONE'in'All,
It's been a great week for synchronicities. You see, I've always felt a deep resonance with the mandala - the Sri Yantra. And several years ago, I discovered to my surprise & amazement...the very shape of the Sri Yantra on my ceiling...projected there by the light of one of my lamps. This design hasn't quite made it as a Crop Circle yet...but perhaps next year...?
Anyways, I just found this out yesterday...centuries ago when Buddhist monks would chant OM (or AUM) they would see in their mind's eye, the Sri Yantra. Also, in terms of cymatics - when OM is spoken into an electronic transmitter, it gives us the Sri Yantra mandala. I've loved this mandala for years (and have pictures of it all around my apartment) and have adopted the name OM for probably the same amount of time. Little did I know until this week that they were both ONE and the same! So today, I went out to find another OM album. There was only one that really spoke to me from the shelves : The one with the Sri Yantra on the cover (Jonathan Goldman's 'Ultimate OM' - pictured above).
Hello beautiful lady and thank you for the lovely comment! Purple or Violet is inspirational to me. Many times when I meditate I'm surrounded by a sea of violet. So beautiful.
Love and blessings!
Thanks Omni for that great BIT of fun!
I haven't seen the movie, yet.
This is me as an Avatar. After that transformation I look like Frankenstein.
I come from other planet, so my face hasn't got proper proportions and it is very difficult
to avatarlize me - Netfino , hi, hi... :
This is me, Netfino, transformated into an angry human being:
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Everybody's Free:
Facts of Life:
Thank You:
Another Point of You : OM...
Mar 23, 2009
("You'd better grab a chair and a couple of beers...")
{I can't believe You've landed !!!}
{I AM !!!}
Mar 23, 2009

1 + 1 + 1 +...+ 1 = 1 ('CAUSE EVERYTHING IS ONE !!!)
11 = 1 + 1 = 1
ORCHESTRA ! (check !)
FLOWERS ! (check !)
LIGHTS ! (check !)
CAMERA ! (check !)
Mar 23, 2009
Mar 23, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
I only wanted 2 one time see u laughing...
I only wanted 2 see u bathing in the purple...
I only wanted 2 be some kind of friend...
Honey I know times r changing...
It's time we all reach out 4 something new...
And let me guide u 2 the purple rain.
Another (purple) Point of You : OM...
Mar 24, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Another (cosmic) Point of You : OM...
Mar 24, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
The OM Symbol at the Core of the Milky Way - Part 2
The OM-page is about discoveries and conclusions about the OM which has been known throughout the ages as a spiritual symbol of a sound or vibration or energy. It also has a graphic symbol attached to it. This graphic symbol has some similarity to the image of the center of our galaxy. At the very center of the center scientists discovered, what they call a "Black Hole". So, if the OM-symbol represents the Galactic Center, vice versa the Galactic Center has a certain meaning to our life, which has been emphasized by saints, shamans & mystics through the ages.
Since the sound OM is recognized to be the holy vibration that connects all existence, the question comes up how the "Black Hole", sitting in the center of our galaxy is connected to our spirituality. AUM/OM-chanting was practiced thousands of years ago by many or even all cultures, shamanic and more civilized ones as well. Even the Christian AMEN is rooted in the sound AUM. The Vedas, the Mayan legends and those of many other civilisations contain knowledge about the structure of our galaxy and the center explicitly mentioned. Hunab Ku, Om or Black Sun are some of the other names given to the Galactic Center.
OM Nimay Shivaya
~ Whilst searching for new OM designs, I chanced across this fascinating site - combining the OM Symbol, The Galactic Center, Hunab Ku (the Mayan 'Galactic Center Point'), Black Holes, Planetary Ascension & sound/vibration/energy! Everything I'm into in the one place. OMazing that's for sure!
Another Point of You...
Mar 24, 2009

Lech Janerka in "Tryki na Start" from the album "Historia Podwodna" ("The Underwater History")
Mar 27, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
And this is no April Fool's Joke!
This morning (the day after I sent IamAnotherYou an email regarding our continuing Subaru starry logo/Pleiades coincidence), I turn over my Crop Circle calendar to feature April - and what do I see?! This!:
It's a Crop Circle depicting the Pleiades cluster!
As I turned it over & saw it, I exclaimed 'No Way!' What a thrilling way to start my day/month!
Last month, it was all about Dolphins (with my Crop Circle Calendar mirroring these FINtastic synchronicities perfectly)...this month it seems to be about stars & constellations - the Pleiades in particular...
Hmmm. What outta-this-world experiences await us this month!?!
Another (starry & excited) Point of You : OM...
Mar 31, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Another (infinite) Point of You : OM...
Mar 31, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
The Phenomena Continues...
For the latest Crop Circles from around the world visit
Another Point of You (& Fellow 'Croppie') : OM...
*ps(st) - It was only a matter of time before an OM Crop Circle appeared! This one appeared on the 7th of the 7th, 2007...

*ps(sst) - I'll keep everyone updated on all new Crop Formations throughout the 2009 season (as I've enthusiastically done in previous years)...Apr 6, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
~ Gospel of John.
OM is the Mystical and Sacred Sanskrit word. It is the Breath of God, the first sound of Creation.
According to tradition, everything manifested comes from the primordial vibration, which is symbolized by OM.
OM is the sound of all creation. It is a prayer unto itself.
The past, present and future are all represented in this sound. It is a timeless mantra.
Blessed Be,
Another (Galactic) Point of You : OM...
Apr 6, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
I totally LOVE this song! In-Joy : I AM.
Another (ONEderful) Point of You : OM...
Apr 14, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
~ Lao Tzu.
Binaural Beats, The Sacred Solfeggio, and The Algorithms of Organic Life Systems
Symphonic Sorcery, New Aeon Magic, and The Silence Between the Gnosis
Labyrinth Of The Psychonaut.
He claims to live in the 'Holographic Universe'; lists his occupations as - Influencer of Dreams, Unplugger of Minds, & Evolutionary Muse. He states, "We are the Fractalated Tendrils of Reality, Forever Undulating Towards the Realm of Evolution & Great Mystery." He goes by the name of 'soundlessdawn'... And I happen to think he is very, VERY, excitingly switched on : an interpreter of metaphors, a decoder of symbols, an astute reader of Life, and its gradually rising vibration. It's like he's a galactic Higher Dimensional who has inserted himself into Simulation Earth...and is leaving a trail of breadcrumbs on the forest floor for us to follow - if we so choose. His act of Re-Membering is a wake-up call to us all...
Take a look at his mindblowing blogs:
His many interests include: Crop Circles, Film Symbolism, Synchronicity, Tarot, Astrology, Archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, 11:11, the Pyramids, Galactic Alignment, 2012, Earth's Ascension Process, Vibrational Frequencies, Aliens, Stargates/Portals/Wormholes, Time Travel, Sacred Geometry, Ritual Magick, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, String Theory, Duality, the Unification of Polarities, Chaos Theory, Fate, the Occult, Numerology, etc, etc, etc.
Quite simply, I AM in awe of his work. It's like he puts pictures to my words...images to my current thoughts.
Here's one Psychonaut that certainly impresses this Oneironaut!
Another Point of You : Omnitheus Oneironaut
Apr 14, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Halo ONE'in'All - It's about time I stepped out from behind my 'cosmic' face and showed you all my Human Face! So, here I AM. I warn you though - I do smile a lot!
The Wizard Of Oz.
Another Point of You : OM...
"There's no place like hOMe"
Sweet Lucid Dream
& Blessed Be.
Apr 28, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
"Dreaming Embed"
Namaste. Halo ONE'in'All. I just wanted to share this with you. Woke up from the most amazing/peculiar dream this morning. I've only recently discovered how to embed pictures into my posts - by including the 'embed code' or formula...(I can even manipulate the length & width now by changing the dimension codes)...well, in this dream, I was walking around our normal, everyday world (a normal day in my life), BUT I was able to 'plug into' the 'matrix program' and (by thought alone) could manipulate my surroundings & environment by 'hacking' into the embed codes of every single thing 'embedded' in existence! (as if my mind was hooked up to some cosmic internet system...). If I wanted something smaller or larger, I'd simply lessen or lengthen the dimensions (numbers) in the embed codes. If I wanted something to disappear, I'd erase the code altogether. And if I wanted something to appear, I'd simply make up a code myself. I even had access to the embed codes of me - my very being! Once I realised I could consciously create 'reality' like this, I went lucid...and began playing within this self-created realm of ONEder & Magick. By being 'plugged into' the overall simulation program (the collective unconscious?), I then understood so much about the nature of reality and the reality of nature. And I could create Consciously & Will-fully. It was sooo much fun, and quite the profound experience. I woke up rejuvenated, still-lucid & in awe of every thing in this ONEderful YOUniverse...
I've taken to 'hooking up' to the multidimensional computer screen in my mind's eye whilst I'm awake (quite like those cool screens in 'Minority Report' but I drag the images/boxes across with my eyes, then focus on something to 'bring it up') and on flat days, inserting the words: Energised, Happy, Calm, etc., into the 'mood' section of my personal Embed Code (that 'embeds' me into this reality...). I find that once it's 'locked in', it only takes a matter of seconds to 'come up' on the screen of 'Life'. Way cool.
I've really felt an inner shift since all this has happened. What a great little trick though - using the metaphor of internet embed codes, as a greater tool for Life. There really are Keys everywhere...(for those with 'eyes to see').
Another Point of You : OM...
May 4, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
I've recently finally uploaded the photo (of myself) that's always reminded me of the Chilbolton 'Alien' Face...the Crop Circle that came down in 2001 in Southern England. I've always thought it bore an uncanny resemblance to me. When this particular formation appeared, it was like looking into a mirror. Definately quite astounding. To me anyway! As a result, I've now replaced my 'cosmic' face with my 'human' face as my Profile pic.
As a curious aside, the Face came down accompanying an extraterrestrial 'reply' to a message we ourselves, sent out into space in 1973 - incidently, the year I was born! Snap again!
Sweet Lucid Dream & Blessed Be,
Another Point of You : OM...
May 5, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Animal Totem : Jellyfish (Light and Power). Symbolic Meaning : inner strength, vulnerability, transparency, truth. The transparency of the jellyfish teaches of the inner source within each of us. We have an enormous amount of power within us to draw upon. We can turn on the light even in the depths of darkness through the wisdom of the jellyfish. It often shows up just when you believe there is no hope left. The jellyfish sting symbolizes that even the most vulnerable has the ability to shield and protect itself from outside influences. The jellyfish is an electrifying totem. It offers a spark to energize and illuminate. Powerful!
In 'light' of this information, it certainly now seems to make so much more sense! Actually it's very exciting & inspiring that this Jellyfish Formation should come down now! How gorgeous.
To Add : I've always had 'issues' with UFOs that look very 'nuts & bolts-ish'. Everytime I've ever dreamt of a UFO (or being in one), it has appeared very organic & cellular-like, more like a floating/flying organism or living blob-sphere than a physical saucer-type vehicle. Whenever I've dreamt of flying them, I've always felt like I was hooked up to them in an organic/psychic way - like I was powering the 'ship' via thought alone (as if it could read my mind). I don't know why I envision them this way. Probably, because I know them to be more 'fluid' - being interdimensional and all. You could say, because I see them like this - they could also appear to be jellyfish-like : ie - a molecular cell-like bulbous 'head' with the 'tentacles' being the wisps of air left behind as it flies about in the air...
This new formation could indeed also be representing a Light Ship!
Another (electrifying) Point of You : OM...
May 30, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Flippin Fin-tastic!
Another Point of You : OM...
Jun 2, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Jun 7, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Reported June the 3rd at Little London, near Yatesbury, Wiltshire...was this incredibly intricate, elegantly stunning Dragonfly:
*Dragonfly Symbolism:
They are fantastic flyers, darting like light, twisting, turning, changing direction, even going backwards as the need arises. The power of the Dragonfly lies in its ability to see around things by looking from different angles. They are inhabitants of two realms - starting with water, and moving (ascending) to the air with maturity, but staying close to water. As creatures of the water, Dragonflies carry symbolism relative to the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts (water is symbolic of the subconscious mind or 'deeper mind/dreaming mind' and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states). As a creature of the wind (air/mind), the Dragonfly totem represents Change & Transformation. Its iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather. The Dragonfly represents balance with mental clarity and control ~ an expression of the emotional and mental together.
Dragonflies are old and adaptive insects, and are most powerful in the summer under the effects of warmth and sunlight. Their colors are a result of reflecting and refracting the power of light. As a result, they are associated with color magick, illusion and mysticism. The Dragonfly shows us that life, like light, can bend, shift, and adapt in various ways, making life's appearance never be what it appears to be.
They are often featured in Japanese paintings, representing new light and joy. To some Native Americans they are the souls of the dead. Faerie stories say that they used to be real dragons.
Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. "Let there be light" is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. They help you to see through your illusions and allow your own Light to shine in a new vision.
Dragonfly symbolism crosses and combines with that of the Butterfly ~ Change & Transformation.
The Dragonfly symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit our growing and changing.
Dragonflies are a symbol of the sense of Self that comes with maturity.
As a personal symbol ~ to me the Dragonfly represents 'seeing through the illusion, or veil' (the insect world's version of Neo!). With their ability to dart & flit around (kinda like interdimensional spaceships) it's like they are only 'visitors' to this dimension. Symbolically, they possess the ability to 'pierce' through the illusory veils we are all collectively entrapped within. Looking at this particular formation - it's absolutely bristling with energy. I'm experiencing electrical waves travelling up & down my back just looking at it - It's that powerful!
Jun 9, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Jun 18, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Another (evolving) Point of You : OM...
Jun 22, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut

'Man is a little universe...and the universe, a great man.'~ Sufi saying.
I've always been an avid advocate of the hermetic axiom : As Within, So Without. This pic 'proves' my point of You nicely.
Another (galactocentric) Point of You : OM...
Jul 1, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Reported July the 2nd at Milk Hill, near Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire...the Hummingbird has landed:
One of the Nazca Lines of Peru, depicts a Hummingbird (500 B.C. to 500 A.D.):
The Hummingbird symbolises many different concepts. Because of its speed, the Hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time. The Hummingbird animal totem represents hope and jubilation. It is also a symbol of joy, love, beauty & harmony. The Hummingbird is also able to fly up, down, forwards & backwards, teaching us that we can look back on our past. But, this bird also teaches that we must not dwell on our past; we need to move forward. The Hummingbird can also hover in one spot and appear to be motionless (thus appearing to stop time). When the Hummingbird hovers over flowers while drinking nectar, we learn that we should savor each moment, and appreciate the things we love.

It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the Hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol - further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity. In Mayan teachings, Hummingbird is connected to the Fifth World. Their deity Quetzalcoatl was considered to be a Hummingbird God.By observing the Hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day. Amazing migrators, some Hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the pursuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the Hummingbird in our lives. The Hummingbird symbolises the courage required to embark on an epic journey. Once touched by the energies of this archetype, we are propelled on our own epic journey that eventually leads us back to our source, where our spirit was first spawned...
Another Point of You : OM...
Jul 7, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Another (Purple Reigns!) Point of You : OM...
Jul 20, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Another Point of You : OM...
Jul 29, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut

A UFO filmed in Brazil on June the 21st, 2009:Connected?
Another (OMazing) Point of You : OM...
Aug 2, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Aug 12, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
For all you moon lovers, pagans, wiccans, astronomers & astrologers out there:
Another (lunar-tic) Point of You...
Aug 19, 2009
Life is very complicated and difficult, indeed, so we ought to float on our life wave with a big luggage of joy, we should try to eliminate things we don’t like about our existence – in this way, I think, we can make our life journey longer …
By the way - sometimes I hate squirrels because they eat all nuts from trees in my garden every year, but this one, from tarot deck, is quite friendly.
Aug 26, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Sep 1, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
This just in!
I have only one thing to say about this Crop Formation : Holy WOW!
Reported August the 8th at Goes, Holland, Netherlands:
This gigantic Butterfly/Man Crop Formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle EVER...appeared in The Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called Goes, on the 8th of August 2009. It is an incredibly large butterfly with Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man' in the center, depicting the metamorphosis of the Caterpillar into a Butterfly.
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was became a Butterfly." Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Whether man-made or not...this design is just incredible! You know, I was just thinking not that long the Crop Circle phenomenon might evolve next year. And I immediately got the impression : Formations that take up the ENTIRE field! So, it really blew me away when this particular formation was sent into my orbit. I was GODsmacked! In a quaint way too, it's a ONEderful message we're sending the real Circle Makers - that this is what we see ourselves evolving into...
Blessed Be ONE'in'All,
Another Point of You : OM...
Sep 7, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
The latest shot of The Human Butterfly formation:
Another (flutterby-ing) Point of You...
Sep 8, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
"It may take two to tango...but it only takes ONE to coinciDANCE!"
Halo ONE'in'All,
It's been a great week for synchronicities. You see, I've always felt a deep resonance with the mandala - the Sri Yantra. And several years ago, I discovered to my surprise & amazement...the very shape of the Sri Yantra on my ceiling...projected there by the light of one of my lamps. This design hasn't quite made it as a Crop Circle yet...but perhaps next year...?
Anyways, I just found this out yesterday...centuries ago when Buddhist monks would chant OM (or AUM) they would see in their mind's eye, the Sri Yantra. Also, in terms of cymatics - when OM is spoken into an electronic transmitter, it gives us the Sri Yantra mandala. I've loved this mandala for years (and have pictures of it all around my apartment) and have adopted the name OM for probably the same amount of time. Little did I know until this week that they were both ONE and the same! So today, I went out to find another OM album. There was only one that really spoke to me from the shelves : The one with the Sri Yantra on the cover (Jonathan Goldman's 'Ultimate OM' - pictured above).
CoinciDANCE like everyONE's watching!
Blessed Be,
Another (OMazing) Point ov You...
Sep 30, 2009
Light Warrior
Love and blessings!
Sep 30, 2009
Nov 5, 2009
Omnitheus Oneironaut
Halo ONE'in'All,
A friend sent me this link recently which enables you to 'Avatarize' yourself. For fans of the movie (& I'm one of them!), it's a great bit of fun:
This is me as an Avatar:
Blessings from Pandora,
Another (blue) Point ov You...
Jan 9, 2010
Thanks Omni for that great BIT of fun!
I haven't seen the movie, yet.
This is me as an Avatar. After that transformation I look like Frankenstein.
I come from other planet, so my face hasn't got proper proportions and it is very difficult
to avatarlize me - Netfino , hi, hi... :
This is me, Netfino, transformated into an angry human being:
Jan 11, 2010
NZ Rose

Kiaora (hello) from Aoteoroa, Land of the long white chemtrail (A little slice of home, Kaikoura kai = food, koura = crayfish aka sea lobster))Jul 28, 2010
Feb 21, 2011
Mar 18, 2011
Mar 22, 2011