



Comment Wall:

  • En JOY

    : ) Yes, thanks, Iam,

    I Am Healthy ... HEAL-Thy-Self! I FEEL BETTER NOW!

    Lots of JOY! :D

    In JOY,
    En JOY
  • Netfino

    100000001 theories!
    Sorry - probably my manual failing!
    But you must believe me it was my semi-smile (the next step to full-smile) No.1
    I have just changed it for my semi-smile No.2.
  • Omnitheus Oneironaut


    G'day Mate! - From Down Under to On Top, I'm finally here! And I must say...what a ONEdroUS view!

    I see you didn't heed the warnings!

    Take another look though. The signs are even more prominent now!
    Methinks you're really gonna love it!


    I love Fnords - the little metaphoric 'subliminals' representing the 'glitches' in the Sytem/Matrix, the black cats on our path, the deja vu's in our hallucinations... They're silly, they're profound, they're ridiculous and they're gravely important - just like everything/nothing in Life. I try to live by the maxim : 'The moment I take anything literally or personally...I've fallen back asleep.' Little lucid reminders (like Fnords) are the gentle nudges during a daydream of whimsy, the soft twinkle of windchimes on a lazy day, the bird chirping outside your window at dawn... They don't come blaring over the horizon with trumpets & Hollywood special effects...they're the little 'wake-up' calls...

    So the 11th member eh? (In Numerology, that's one of the 'master numbers' so I'm violetly happy to be riding that vibration into YouPHORIA!) And I agree with you - 1 plus 1 (plus 1 plus 1 ad infinitum) equals, and can only ever equal...ONE. "There may be 6.8 billion people on the planet right now, but there's only ONE of us here." All gorgeously apt, as usual!

    And what a ONEderful welcome you've given me too. Thank You.

    Another Point of You : OM...

    ps(st) - Now, in all seriousness...I know you have a major penchant for yellow, so my friend...may I present to you...Yellow!

    OH YEAH Baby!
    Dance like EVERYONE is watching...
  • Omnitheus Oneironaut

    Up for a bit of Plant Portalling?

    Another (infinite) Point of You : OM...

  • Waterlotus

    Behind every word
    is the holy breath.
    Behind every movement
    is the holy dance.
    Behind every You
    is Me.

    Love from the Pond of the Personal Infinite,

  • Waterlotus

    The life of the lotus
    Is the life of the water,
    Joyful, flowing,
    Thankful for water’s gift,
    The Jewel of Eternal Life.
    Never melon-choly,
    Always grateful..

    Waterlotus,,your friend and joke-off
  • Waterlotus

    Be a wise fruit,
    never sad
    melon, jolly,
    in fact.

  • Waterlotus

    The Hierophant,
    A highway from bliss to bliss-,
    A gentle deer path
    from love to love.

  • Omnitheus Oneironaut


    You've just been dealt The Happy Squirrel...
    Lisa Simpson got hers - Now it's your turn!

    Halo Happy little Squirrel ~ I bought the beautiful 'Touchstone Tarot' deck recently and was puzzled by the inclusion of an extra card which its creator (Kat Black) called 'The Happy Squirrel'. Apparently this mythical card is an in-joke amongst Tarot enthusiasts, after its inclusion in an episode of The Simpsons in the mid-90s.

    And the 'meaning' of The Happy Squirrel?

    "Lighten up. Do not take yourself, or anything, too seriously. There are no simple answers, life is very complicated and the most important thing is to take joy in the journey."

    Another (JOYoUS) Point of You : OM...