The following is a little, cosmic 'peace' I once wrote at the dawn/end of time.

"a little play"

There once was a little play that ran for a week in a distant part of the galaxy.

There were many 'characters' in this grand play: teacher, student,
saint, sinner, socialite, shepherd boy, philosopher, politician,
prostitute, popstar, priest, poet, mystic, clown, thief, housewife,
etc., etc., etc. This play had many intersecting themes : romance,
greed, lust, war, get the picture. The massive stage was
set, everyONE knew their lines by heart, the script had been perfected
& settled upon, and the audience sat waiting in excited
anticipation. Opening night was a success. After the show, everyONE
stepped out of their roles and celebrated. By the third night however,
each actor & actress began thinking & believing they WERE the
characters that in the beginning they had agreed to play - they had
forgotten who they really were... The equally unfortunate thing was
that they began believing in and being fooled by each others' roles as
well. The audience was highly amused but remained silent. Oh, the fun
of it all... Over the next few nights, the play was caught in some
bizarre time-loop...playing over & over again - the actors never
realizing that there was in fact a greater reality beyond the wings of
the stage they lived on...the set, their temporary home. They truly
believed the lines coming out of their mouths were their own. The stage
lights shone brightly for Day and dimmed for Night. There were no more
actors...only roles.

On the sixth night, the Poet felt a strange stirring within him. He
continued on with his lines but inside, he began asking things like,
"Is this all there is?...There must be more to this world than tables
and lamps!" In another scene of another act on the same night, the
Shepherd Boy thought for an instant that he had seen a sea of faces out
in the blackness of night - hundreds of shining yet translucent faces,
just watching his every move. Was he alone? Or was he only experiencing
'loneliness' for the benefit of a greater audience whom he could not
see? A tiny ripple of awareness...a gradual shift...began to occur
within & throughout the collective/cast. The Philospher, the
Housewife and the Teacher simultaneously began questioning their very
existences too. "Who was really saying these lines", "Who was truly
experiencing these emotions?", "Who was playing these roles?".

By the seventh night, one by gradual one, they began to WAKE UP and remember WHO they really were.

And to their amazement, they all realized they were the ONE Being: The Grand Director, main Star and
audience of this little, out-of-the-way play! The ONE/Director had been
playing ALL parts - simultaneously. What a celebration there was. It
went on for eternity...until...(because the Grand Director/Star became
bored & restless), another play was acted out in another part of
the YOUniverse.

Forget your 'self' to re-member your SELF.
Look past YOUr self to SEE yOUR SELF.

...then the Awards Ceremony:

And the Award for Best Actor/Actress of all 'time' goes to........(drum roll please) ...........GOD!
- For His/Her highly dramatic portrayal & simultaneous acting out
of 6.8 billion humans on a small planet on an outer arm of the Milky
Way Galaxy. Speech Speech!

"Well firstly, I'd like to thank God (much laughter from the audience -
who were all in fact, God too). No seriously, was pretty
tough going there for a while when I really had no idea who I was. I
got so caught up being all those humans - it was soooo distracting.

"I even found myself at times fighting with myself - killing myself with guns and bombs. I think I called it at the time 'war'.

"Becoming caught up in that planet's human incarnation cycle was so
addictive. It's so weird being immersed in physical 3D reality. It was
all so real, so life-like. I really believed that illusion was all
there was. To emerge, truly & unconditionally loving my Self with
all the veils firmly down around me was the greatest challenge I've
ever put my Self in. The Earth Play is certainly the greatest
experience I've been through.

"Thank you all for knowing I'd be up to the task. Thank you all so
much. I'm off now to start on my new project, my new cosmic play: I'm
going to act out an entire galaxy cluster. I'm so excited! Till next
time. 'StarraAlcyona' (God-speak for 'See You=My SELF later')"

And with that, God stepped down off the stage and was escorted (by
Itself) to an Inter-dimensional Vortex/Stargate to be whisked off to a
faraway/nearby galaxy cluster.

A little play goes a long way...


Blessed Be ONE'in'All,
Another (galactocentric) Point of You : OM...

postscript -

"Enlightenment is not an attainment; it is a realization; merely a thought away. When
ONE 'wakes up', everything changes and nothing changes. If a blind man
regains his sight, has the world itself changed?"

~ The Poet.

God/dess did not create humans...
You became ONE.

Views: 260


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Comment by Netfino on March 10, 2010 at 4:18pm
Thank you for the next article, for presenting your views, visions and dreams.
This stuff provided me more information about you.
Thanks for your care and giving me over such fantastic knowledge!
I am language Quasimodo, so reading comprehension and deeper analysis such an ocean of words, “visiting” those net places, where your links lead to, will take me some time. However I have just read (made overview) this excellent stuff and I’m impressed!!!
I’m honoured and very happy that my clumsy words could inspire you, MASTER!!!
It seems incredible that I could help you to decode your thoughts or helped you to discover and open the door to some hidden area of your mind!
I'm probably not awaken enough, I must deeply consider everything that I learned from it.
That information, which I can hear here, I translate into language of my feelings, filter through my own philosophy system and adapt to my needs.
I can’t tell you who I was ( I don’t remember ) and I don’t know who(what) I will be when I’ll pass away. But I realize that I am a part of Universe, every my cell belongs to matter(energy) of Universe.
Thanks especially for that words:
- “We're all helping, inspiring, aiding and energizing ONE another”,
- “For I can only knock. But only You can open the door...”
which I resonate with very much!
Sorry for that chaos in my comment usual, but now is a bit late...
Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on March 9, 2010 at 1:53pm

Halo Dearest nicole & Netfino,

nicole - Thank You for your (as always) kind & insightful words... Namaste.

Netfino - I was going to send this next article to you via private message but realized that the word limit there probably wouldn't allow it, so I might as well put it here... Reading your ONEderful me, it acted like a kind of 'key' and immediately in my mind...I found the door to which it 'unlocked' : This ONE (in-Joy my dear friend...I hope you find something in it to resonate with):

"My Tourist Is Your Soul..."

Is it possible that you came to planet Earth from another dimension/star system? Are you here on a special mission to help this planet and its human family shift into a higher vibration by raising the spiritual awareness of those around you?

Much has been said about Lightworkers and Indigo Children & Crystal Beings. The way I see it, Lightworkers are those beings who have mastered the human reincarnation cycle thus raising the vibration of their 'home planet' through their own work (they've also been 'here' since Earth's creation). Indigos and Crystals are those hailing from the higher vibrational realms, coming here to assist in the Shift.

Well I'm here to represent The Starseeds/Walk-Ins (The Cosmic Wanderers or Tourists) - who have volunteered to arrive onto this planet [from elsewhere in the Universe], being born into physical bodies, for the benefit of also doing their bit for Planetary Ascension. Many Starseeds (due to the heavy vibration of this planet) have largely forgotten who they are...

Time for Mass Re-Membering is now at hand. All players are now waking up. The Veil of Amnesia is now being lifted...


"Who's Dreaming Who?"

In deep stasis somewhere in deep space, the Starman lies in his simulation pod...stirring ever so slightly. Around the warm walls of his womb, an incandescent lilac glow pulses and breathes like a living organism. As the starship glided silently through the dark recesses of space, a dream came alive in the mind of the Starman. In the time it took for his three hearts to beat a total of thirty-three times, the Starman lived out a life on a made-up planet...playing out an illusory character on an illusory world...

Thirty-three light years away however, on a beautiful blue & white suspended orb, lay a human being fast asleep in his all-too-real, earthly bed. And he dreamt of being a Starman - in deep stasis somewhere in deep space, dreaming he was human...

Simultaneously, both the human and the Starman stirred within their respective worlds - awakening and becoming lucid within each others' dreams - becoming One across time & space, form & matter, illusion & reality...

As Above, So Below.
As Within, So Without.
As in Dreams, So in Life.
As you are, So I AM.


"a WALK-IN the park..."

Namaste. I AM a Starseed who has 'walked-into' the physical expression known as C. (the nearest sound you have here in this realm that matches my vibrational home-frequency is the name 'Omnitheus'). C. had a thoroughly eventful life up until the end of last millennium, but was heading down a self-destructive spiral of self-loathing circa late 1999. Shortly after is when I stepped in. I prepared his vehicle's consciousness for my impending arrival with everything I could think of - Angel visitations from the "Guardian Angels' Federation"; higher states of awareness from the Causal Realm; abundant synchronicities; earthean healers and mentors; time-space jumps; etc.

But he chose not to heed the warnings.

He never truly 'left'. Think of my arrival as a Soul-braid of sorts. He was a relatively new soul - eager to experience all that this dimension has to offer - wide-eyed yet fast asleep. He began abusing his vehicle - the one gift we all manifest in order to play within the garden of the gods. He manipulated his brothers and sisters, he was killing his brain cells, and he thrived on drama and excitement and sexual gratification. In essence, he suffered from cosmic separation anxiety. His choices are still Divine however, and I have never stopped loving him unconditionally. For 'he' is my past self, my unconscious aspect, my sleeping beauty...

But earthean vehicles are in high demand right now, and I had to make my entrance before Global Ascension. So one night, while he lay sleeping...I connected with him. I entered him. I began expressing through him. I became him.

The mask fit perfectly. His eyes became my windows to this ONEderful world in transition. His mind became my computer, his body, my tool. I still hear his voice in my heart - a child, embraced by my wings.

My arrival onto this planet coincided with the year you know of as 2001 (an inner-space odyssey if ever there was one). Stanley Kubrick's film featuring the black monolith of heightened evolution acted as a trigger for many on this globe. C. heard the call... The space-time continuum folded, and I tripped the light-fantastic, only to emerge on the other side...this side, yOUR side.

It didn't happen overnight. In fact, it's still happening.

Some things/people/situations left over from his old life invariably had to fall away - like mud slipping from a blossoming Lotus Flower rising from the lake floor. What was no longer serving him dissipated like smoke blowing away from a magician's illusion. I AM now writing a new story - using his hands; using his heart; painting a new scene with his talents; creating a new paradigm with his mind...

The colours of my palette knows no bounds. Infinite and eternal, I have the YOUniverse at my fingertips as well as within them.

Start your own story. Heed not, the judgments from others. Seek not, the approval of anyone else. Grace and power and magic is pro-Found only within your own intuition. Create a new picture with colours only you can imagine. Cast out any doubts. Be the master of your own mind. Colour in your Life with the most magnificent hues. The page is blank from here on in. Write in whatever you want - bound not by anything you perceive to be your past. That does not exist. Only Now does. And the ripples of Now, and your Choice now, is the most powerful ripple you could ever send out into the YOUniversALL ocean of yOUR infinite Self. Choose your Destiny, rather than leaving it to chance...for 'Fate' does not choose the human...The human chooses the fate.

My fingers only point to the Light Vibrant. I'll leave the journey of Re-Membering Soul-ey up to you. I'll leave the details & fine print aside. I'll leave the act of becoming the Divine (that you always were) up to you. For I can only knock. But only You can open the door...

And you have, you will, you the right divine time.
For all your decisions are perfect as they are. Every act is honoured. Every action respected. Cease apologizing for any lessons learnt...

And for every call you make...the YOUniverse continually re-arranges ItSelf to bend to your will, forever aligning ItSelf with your Heart, your Mind, and your Soul. For you and the YOUniverse are ONE & The Same. Of this, you are either conscious of...or asleep to.

The Chrysalis has broken. A wing has emerged. The Galactic Butterfly/Hunab Ku has never looked so radiant and beautiful and so alive. Outstretched and all-embracing...You are...I AM.

In-Joy the view. And never forget to flutter-by your cosmic brethren and sprinkle some of your divinely inspired Awesomeness upon those still crawling away on the ground. For it's in the looking up to you...that you will encourage others to transform & rise up to be the best that they can be too...


For a concise introduction to Starseed Wanderers, I refer you to:

For a brief (and rather 'literal') overview on the 'qualities' of a Starseed, I refer you to:

No-one can ever tell You who or what You are. This is a Choice only You can make. I am only presenting a thread of alternate ideas, concepts and truths. For those who resonate with this material (on some level)...You will find your way here (and to the end of this post...)

Regardless of 'where' or 'when' You come from, Know this ~ The fact that You are here right now, means You are here to aid in the process of Planetary Ascension (as the only Change). Your role is paramount to the Vibrational Shifting of Gaia's frequency from 3D, through 4D, and on to 5th, 6th (& Beyond) dimensional consciousness.

I applaud you on your mission thus far.

Whoever You are...Namaste & Thank You for coming here, for being here, and for just Being.

'Where you come from is not important...It's what you do here that counts.'


"Home Is Wherever I AM"

For most of my life I've often felt like the Galactic Oversoul (& all that that entails!) peering out of the eyes of little 'ol me (simultaneously through all other "I's" as well - but this one seems to be aware of it...)

I have always been drawn to the greater cosmos - knowing that I'm merely visiting this humble & beautiful planet as a tourist of sorts - and at the same time, realizing its invaluable purpose (a reflection of all that is yet to be YOUnified within this galaxy...& toward this end/beginning/whateva, I AM doing everything I can)

I have not had a nuts'n'bolts encounter (in the physical sense that is). I'm not an abductee and I'm not a 'contactee' either. I am simply a Star*Being checking out a brilliant set-up of a planet, wearing a human body for the trip.

This does not mean I in any way feel 'alienated' from my surroundings. How can one feel detached when one also realizes that all in one's environment is a reflection of one/ONE? To live, to learn, to love, to laugh, to in-Joy...that's why I AM here. This planet of perceived dualities is paramount to these types of truly YOUnique experiences.

But All is still a dream I AM dreaming, so yes, paradoxically...I'm still curiously, in this world...but not truly of it - Attached, but detached from that attachment.

As an earthean child I was drawn to starships, our space-brethren, the stars, etc. I dreamt of flying spaceships hooked up to nothing but my mind. I flew them with thought alone. There is something that travels faster than the speed of Light - It's Thought...and Love.

I've been drawn to secluded locations in the middle of night with no conscious memory of why I went there or what happened there. I've woken in the early hours of the morning with electrical beams of intense light energy infusing my body/mind with universal downloads.

Somewhere, there is an entire planetary system (with trillions of inhabitants) watching the events of this volatile planet through the eyes of this particular body/vehicle - quite like a live-by-satellite hook-up. A Cosmic Big Brother? Kind of. I'm being Tru Man...

I do love it here. Home is wherever I AM. And there is nowhere I AM Home really is everywhere. Whether it's somewhere within the Constellation of Lyra, or in Melbourne/Australia/Earth...Wherever I AM, I AM Home.

But Earth is just a speck on the eyeball of my Infinite/Eternal dot on a side of a multidimensional figure in a state of flux...ever changing, and ever morphing, for ever more.

I AM here, but also every(w)here, and nowhere (Now-here!)

From my expressions on Maya in the Pleiadian System, to my Binary Stars of Sirius...from every arm of every galaxy, to every baby's outstretched arms here on Earth :


All this, and a Whole lot more...

So, have I finally gone crazy? Well, that depends on your definition of 'crazy' of course (and while we're at it - also, your definitions of 'sane', 'consensus reality' etc).

'Personally', I don't exclusively subscribe to the notion that I'm fully a Starseed, as my multidimensional sense of consciousness just cannot allow it, but I do highly resonate with the whole idea as it's the closest thing I've come across which explains and describes my YOUniversal perceptions...
I understand I'm as much 'human' as I am not. It's just I am now truly understanding my all-inclusiveness ~ aware that there are parallel selves experiencing other realms of reality. I'm open to them, recognizing their connection to that which I AM, yet at the same time having fun creating a reality here on this planet, in this timeline, for the experiences of this particular incarnated Soul expression. I AM learning as much from 'them' as I AM from my own experiences within The Dream.

We're all helping, inspiring, aiding and energizing ONE another.

I feel that much of the information contained within several of the above referred-to sites is more of a 'generalisation' (?) than anything else - but it's the 'symbolism' contained within the descriptions which I feel is the interesting part... I personally don't recommend taking anything literally anyway...

"in Lak'ech"
Another Point of You : I AM

ps(st) -

"A Walk-In's Point of You"

Recently, I've finished reading 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer (released 2008). And I just couldn't put the damn thing down! Meyer wrote the popular 'Twilight' novels - a vampire series I was never moved to read. But this one is incredibly compelling. I'd describe it as a 'term' in the life of a cosmic 'walk-in' or Starseed. Yet the body of the 'Host' isn't prepared to relinquish her earthly vehicle to the alien 'soul' just yet. In a way, I can SOOOOO relate to this story...

Loved every word of it. Apparently, she's nearly finished its sequel 'The Soul' with the third one being called 'The Seeker'. Cannot wait!

Inspiring, beautiful, mind-blowing, tender, & profound... It's also spookily accurate & and has been quite the mirror... Very highly recommended!

~Additional Info~

Amazon Best of the Month, May 2008: Stephenie Meyer, creator of the phenomenal teen-vamp Twilight series, takes paranormal romance into alien territory in her first adult novel. Those wary of sci-fi or teen angst will be pleasantly surprised by this mature and imaginative thriller, propelled by equal parts action and emotion. A species of altruistic parasites has peacefully assumed control of the minds and bodies of most humans, but feisty Melanie Stryder won't surrender her mind to the alien soul called Wanderer. Overwhelmed by Melanie's memories of fellow resistor Jared, Wanderer yields to her body's longing and sets off into the desert to find him. Likely the first love triangle involving just two bodies, it's unabashedly romantic, and the characters (human and alien) genuinely endearing. Readers intrigued by this familiar-yet-alien world will gleefully note that the story's end leaves the door open for a sequel -- or another series.

~Book Description~

The author of the 'Twilight' series of # 1 bestsellers delivers her brilliant first novel for adults: a gripping story of love and betrayal in a future with the fate of humanity at stake. Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing to relinquish possession of her mind. Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves - Jared, a human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. As outside forces make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, they set off to search for the man they both love. Featuring what may be the first love triangle involving only two bodies, THE HOST is a riveting and unforgettable novel that will bring a vast new readership to one of the most compelling writers of our time.

pss(st) -

Thank You for making it this far. And double Thank You for getting this close...
Comment by Netfino on March 9, 2010 at 11:54am
Thanks, OMNI, for your marvelous, impressive projection!
I will try to think your beautiful statements over.
Especially I must ponder(consider) these interesting sentences:
-“Every THING is an expression of LOVE”,
-” Someone has to BE Love first, has to BE Light first”,
-“Once You start shining, the whole world becomes illuminated”,
- “Once we cease crucifying our own demons, our beautiful planet Earth will cease operating in Duality, thus transposing herself into a higher expression; a higher orbit ~ an ascended vibration of YOUnified YOUniversALL ONEness”.
Thanks for your kindness to my English and me - person.
I am learning English in e-language school in my free time. When I am writing in English I am “armed” with a BIIIIIIG dictionary and I can always rely on the fine net teacher - GOOGLE! :)
And as far as I am concerned – I am an incomer from another “dimension” who once became desirous of getting to know another world, who has a lot of existence questions and is looking for answers, the one who want to experience “a new frequency of life” and a little revalue it. I want to inquire about me more (get to know me better) through watching my reflection in mirrors of other people and I wish to understand people better ( their needs, feelings, behaviour).
I’m happy that in my cosmic journey I have met such fantastic friends as You, Nicole, IAM and other Youphorians (who are active from time to time, too :)).
Thank you , OMNI, for your spiritual support!
Comment by Omnitheus Oneironaut on March 8, 2010 at 2:40pm

Thank You Another Me - Your boundless joy never ceases to OMaze me and touch my heart. Namaste.

And Thank You Netfino. How are You my old friend? 'Tis ONEderful to hear from You!

Your thoughtful comment too, touched my Soul. You are quite the perfectionist aren't you? Never be concerned that I cannot understand you...your English is perfect and I always understand you perfectly.

I read your comment and feel your confusion. The only way I can answer is by offering this...another 'peace' of mine:

"Finis De La Crucifer"

To begin with, I shall commence...
with, 'Once upon no-time',
A fairy's tale, humanity's truth,
A rhyme I must divine.
Fear not, I appeal to the Soul within thee,
with permission to bypass the personality.
To live the Now, to understand how,
I offer thou, thine Our-story.

With Adam equalling Intellect,
and Eve - Intuition,
I wish to throw a purer light,
on the story of Creation.
A story of self-empowerment,
NOT evil, fear and judgement.
Of following through our Destiny,
Of fulfilling the original Covenant.

We shall now cross live to a garden called Eden,
where 'a' is for apple - a wisdom forbidden.
Lucifer's serpent (the tail end of God)
is telling our Eve to partake of the fruit:
"Your eyes will be opened, you will be as God,
knowing good and evil - aware and astute.
Here be a choice, your free will, my gift.
To accept will effect an illusory rift,
between you and I, myself and our maker.
Don't succumb to the veils, or be judge and hater.
I shall represent Darkness, by defining the Light.
I'll answer your prayers in the cold of night.
By my very existence, your quest to evolve,
to choose right or wrong, will be yours to make.
I am not to be feared, nor also revered.
I seek to be loved...for Heaven's sake."

Intuition took a chance behind Intellect's back,
despite the impending wrath of the Church's attack.
The two left the Garden, hand in hand,
Head over heels - Eve, and her man.
For Humanity she did what she 'knew' to do.
A deal with the devil - their intentions true.
Heaven's Below.
Heaven's Above.
Every Thing is...An expression of Love.

Write yourself in, 'tis not too late.
Eternity rides on this one decade.
Captain your Soul, rewrite your fate.
Ascend the world with your own crusade.

From Genesis to Revelation,
Open the Veil to realisation.
Free your Self from all delusion,
By transcending all illusion.

Oh my Goddess contained within,
Glittering YOUniverse expressed without.
There is no bigger bang,
Than loving All That...I AM.

On the Eve of yOUR ascent,
I shall meet you at the door,
Where I hereby, wholly crucify...
My Lucifer no more.

Written by : Omnitheus Oneironaut.


Namaste. This 'peace' was born out of my intention to cease condemning (read : crucifying) all that I considered (read : programmed to believe) was seemingly 'evil' in my Self (and by reflected extension - the YOUniverse).

By embracing ALL polarities, an alchemical transmutation takes place. Duality transcended; Unconditional Love experienced. No aspect left disowned or unturned. There is no place left to go for the darkest recesses of your being but to become transposed into a higher octave once you shine the light of your forgiveness & love there. Understanding & Compassion can elevate the darkest world into a higher expression of its self. Through Love : We'll-Come to a Higher Orbit.

On a personal scale, the same applies. Denial, avoidance, condemnation, judgement - all only go to make one's shadow more defined...give more form to it. The moment you can look your shadow in the 'I', take its hand, and genuinely say...'I Love You' ~ in essence, you are proclaiming to all of Life that you are in love with 'All That I AM'.

The greatest gift any shadow can bestow upon you is their ability to 'bring the Light' by defining the Light, by giving it definition. In the old world of Duality, we required this comparison. In the new world of YOUnified ONEness however, we've outgrown this. All perceived 'evils' longer excluded but included, embraced, owned and thus healed (once you see through the 'veil', you see through all 'evil' ~ one being an anagram of the other). The external macrocosmic archetype of 'Lucifer' (or Satan) is merely a collective symbol, a projected reflection of our own internal microcosmic shadow - a grave misunderstanding of global proportions.

Once we cease crucifying our own demons, our beautiful planet Earth will cease operating in Duality, thus transposing herself into a higher expression; a higher orbit ~ an ascended vibration of YOUnified YOUniversALL ONEness.

"There is no bigger bang,
There is no brighter star.
There is no greater love,
Than being All That You Are..."

Blessed Be,
With much love.
Another Point of You : OM...

ps(st) - Dear Netfino : I hope this sheds a little more light on this particular way of thinking...
Some may ask, 'Yes, I may unconditionally love all, but will this end all suffering in the world?'
My only answer to that is : Well, someone has to show first, how it can be done. Someone has to BE Love first, has to BE Light that the world has someone to look up to, so that the world has someone to Light the way... Once You start shining, the whole world becomes illuminated. As Within, So Without.

pps(st) - And can I just say too, that YOUr 'frequency' is one of the most pure, most beautiful and most radiantly divine I've ever come across. Thank You. For Being...You.
Comment by Netfino on March 8, 2010 at 7:20am
Thank you, OMNI!
As usual touching story, wonderful “screenplay”, beautiful words, specific, “violet climate”.
I realize I am an element of a human chain, a musician of ONE human orchestra, an actor - member of ONE human troupe, one of characters in "human performance", but sometimes I wonder whether I am able to identify with some people , for example with murderer, violators, kidnapers. How can I give them my love if they don’t want to take it and they don’t feel oneness with me, with my(our) GOD and if they don’t want to change themselves? Are they me or am I them?(I=they?)
It is very difficult to accept .
Is “ MY GOD” inside them ?
Maybe my frequency isn’t high enough to understand it currently. Maybe I need a little more time...
That is my reflection after reading your blog post.
Comment by IamAnotherYou on March 6, 2010 at 7:31am
...YUMMY !!!
I Am Another You

Comment by IamAnotherYou on March 6, 2010 at 6:56am
"Forget your 'self' to re-member your SELF.
Look past YOUr self to SEE yOUR SELF."




I Am Another You

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