The following is a little, cosmic 'peace' I once wrote at the dawn/end of time.
"a little play"
There once was a little play that ran for a week in a distant part of the galaxy.
There were many 'characters' in this grand play: teacher, student,
saint, sinner, socialite, shepherd boy, philosopher, politician,
prostitute, popstar, priest, poet, mystic, clown, thief, housewife,
etc., etc., etc. This play had many intersecting themes : romance,
greed, lust, war, get the picture. The massive stage was
set, everyONE knew their lines by heart, the script had been perfected
& settled upon, and the audience sat waiting in excited
anticipation. Opening night was a success. After the show, everyONE
stepped out of their roles and celebrated. By the third night however,
each actor & actress began thinking & believing they WERE the
characters that in the beginning they had agreed to play - they had
forgotten who they really were... The equally unfortunate thing was
that they began believing in and being fooled by each others' roles as
well. The audience was highly amused but remained silent. Oh, the fun
of it all... Over the next few nights, the play was caught in some
bizarre time-loop...playing over & over again - the actors never
realizing that there was in fact a greater reality beyond the wings of
the stage they lived on...the set, their temporary home. They truly
believed the lines coming out of their mouths were their own. The stage
lights shone brightly for Day and dimmed for Night. There were no more
the sixth night, the Poet felt a strange stirring within him. He
continued on with his lines but inside, he began asking things like,
"Is this all there is?...There must be more to this world than tables
and lamps!" In another scene of another act on the same night, the
Shepherd Boy thought for an instant that he had seen a sea of faces out
in the blackness of night - hundreds of shining yet translucent faces,
just watching his every move. Was he alone? Or was he only experiencing
'loneliness' for the benefit of a greater audience whom he could not
see? A tiny ripple of awareness...a gradual shift...began to occur
within & throughout the collective/cast. The Philospher, the
Housewife and the Teacher simultaneously began questioning their very
existences too. "Who was really saying these lines", "Who was truly
experiencing these emotions?", "Who was playing these roles?".
By the seventh night, one by gradual one, they began to WAKE UP and remember WHO they really were.
And to their amazement, they all realized they were the ONE Being: The Grand Director, main Star
audience of this little, out-of-the-way play! The ONE/Director had been
playing ALL parts - simultaneously. What a celebration there was. It
went on for eternity...until...(because the Grand Director/Star became
bored & restless), another play was acted out in another part of
the YOUniverse.
Forget your 'self' to re-member your SELF.
Look past YOUr self to SEE yOUR SELF.
...then the Awards Ceremony:
And the Award for Best Actor/Actress of all 'time' goes to........(drum roll please) ...........
- For His/Her highly dramatic portrayal & simultaneous acting out
of 6.8 billion humans on a small planet on an outer arm of the Milky
Way Galaxy. Speech Speech!
"Well firstly, I'd like to thank God (much laughter from the audience -
who were all in fact, God too). No seriously, was pretty
tough going there for a while when I really had no idea who I was. I
got so caught up being all those humans - it was soooo distracting.
"I even found myself at times fighting with myself - killing myself with guns and bombs. I think I called it at the time 'war'.
"Becoming caught up in that planet's human incarnation cycle was so
addictive. It's so weird being immersed in physical 3D reality. It was
all so real, so life-like. I really believed that illusion was all
there was. To emerge, truly & unconditionally loving my Self with
all the veils firmly down around me was the greatest challenge I've
ever put my Self in. The Earth Play is certainly the greatest
experience I've been through.
"Thank you all for knowing I'd be up to the task. Thank you all so
much. I'm off now to start on my new project, my new cosmic play: I'm
going to act out an entire galaxy cluster. I'm so excited! Till next
time. 'StarraAlcyona' (God-speak for 'See You=My SELF later')"
And with that, God stepped down off the stage and was escorted (by
Itself) to an Inter-dimensional Vortex/Stargate to be whisked off to a
faraway/nearby galaxy cluster.
A little play goes a long way...
Blessed Be ONE'in'All,
Another (galactocentric) Point of You : OM...
postscript -
is not an attainment; it is a realization; merely a thought away. When
ONE 'wakes up', everything changes and nothing changes. If a blind man
regains his sight, has the world itself changed?"~ The Poet.
God/dess did not create humans...
became ONE.
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