You gave us a very time-consuming homework!!! :)
I have done the “lesson work”, adding my voice to this discussion.
The subject of UFO is very interesting and mysterious and I think, it will be still for a long time.
If you ask me whether UFOs are really spacecrafts sent to Earth from another civilization (another planet), objects from other dimensions or parallel universe, I’ll say : “I don’t know”. My intuition says: “NO”, my mind says: “ STOP – BE CAREFUL - you would be unwise if you denied it categorically ”. There are 100-200 milliards stars and many, many planets-earths in our Milky Way and our galaxy is one of many galaxies in the Universe.
I think that in a lot of cases an explanation of the phenomenon is very simple: meteors, atmospheric optical phenomenons, mirages(Fata Morgana), created by camera trickeries, results of computer graphics programs or aircraft tests.
My main question is: Why extraterrestrial incomers ( if they really visit our planet ) don’t want to contact with us in straight way?
Why they appear and disappear quickly, often without taking any attempts of close encounters of the third kind?” We can see them in the sky, but they don’t touch down.
They were seen above Kremlin some time ago (Nicole wrote about it earlier) – why they simply didn’t land on Red Square? Why they didn’t want people gathered there witnessed their incoming?
Everything about UFO “stays on a level of hypothesis” up to now – it is unexplained and there is no way to prove …
And I doubt whether governments have any significant UFO mystery to reveal.
I haven’t “made” a lot of “studies” about that subject . It is only my very, very not professional opinion, “taken” from point of view of a man who isn’t waiting impatiently for ET contacts.
But if I met ETs, I realize, it would be a very exciting experience which would revolutionize not only my life…
I hope “my humble voice” won’t make that I’ll lose my friends on the site. :)
And sorry for… - my language livemocha teachers are on holidays!